ZEF Public Lecture: "Gut Microbial Ecosystems in Transition: Implications for Health"

November 16, 2023 | 13:30 h - 14:30 h

We'd like to invite you to ZEF's Public Lecture!

Topic: Gut Microbial Ecosystems in Transition: Implications for Health

Speaker: Dr Chris Hoffmann, Assistant Professor University of Sao Paulo

Join us via Zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/meeting/register/u5Isc-msrTssGdLHDl5q4_FaXmA33mrZ32ZF

We are living through an age of changing lifestyles, and our gut microbiome is at the forefront of such changes. My lab’s research is focused on understanding the human microbiome, to unravel the relationships within as well as those between microbial and human cells, exploring their impact on human health and disease.
Some of the questions we follow try to understand the sources of this variation, and how these influences may affect our health. Furthermore, as the microbiome changes, it exerts a discernible influence on individual responses to specific treatments. For instance, we have found out an intricate interplay between diet and the gut microbiome. Furthermore, distinct microbial patterns can yield vastly different outcomes even when subjected to the same dietary interventions. This underscores the need for personalized and context-aware dietary approaches. The presentation will encompass the dynamic relationship between human diet, the gut microbiome, and their profound implications for health.

Dr. Hoffmann is an Assistant Professor in the Dept of Food Science and Experimental Nutrition at the University of São Paulo. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biology at the Federal University of Goiás, carrying out his research under Dr. Frederic Bushman at the University of Pennsylvania. He worked for 10 years are a researcher in the Microbiology Department, at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. He has worked with several microbial systems, such as soil, microbial mats and for the last years has focused his work on the human and other host-associated microbiomes. His research interests include the interactions between the microbiome functions in health and disease, and how it is modulated by diet and the immune system.

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