Webinar Economics of Land Degradation (ELD): Recent Progress and Future Directions

February 21, 2024 | 15:00 h - 16:30 h
This webinar provides an opportunity to revisit the research on Economics of Land Degradation, which has garnered significant international interest since its open access publication in 2016, evidenced by being accessed over 1 million times by the global community. First and foremost, however, this event will serve as a platform for scholarly exchange on the current state and exciting future research directions in this highly policy relevant field. The program features two main panel discussions: the first, focusing on recent research and policy developments on the topic; the second, exploring new frontiers in the economics of ecosystems restoration.
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15:00 - 15:05: Introduction: Joachim von Braun
15:05 - 15:35: Panel Discussion: Economics of land degradation (ELD): Key research and policy developments
Chair: Ephraim Nkonya
Rattan Lal (Ohio State University), Muralee Thummarukudy (G20 Land restoration initiative),
Pavel Krasilnikov (Moscow State Univsersity), Mark Schauer (GIZ)
15:35 - 16:05: Panel Discussion: Future directions and new frontiers in "Economics of Ecosystems Restoration"
Chair: Alisher Mirzabaev
Mythili Gurumurthy (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research), Frederike Schilling (ZEF, University of Bonn),
David Wüpper (ILR, University of Bonn), Catherine Nakalembe (University of Maryland, NASA Harvest)
16:05 - 16:25: Questions and Answers
16:25: Conclusion: Joachim von Braun