Lecture on "The UN’s Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Positions, Suggestions and Insights from a German NGO Point of View"

February 19, 2015 | 13:30 h - 14:30 h

ZEF would like to invite you to a public lecture on “The UN’s Post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Positions, Suggestions and Insights from a German NGO Point of View”, as part of our Senior Researcher Seminar Series.

Speaker: Jürgen Maier, Director, German <link http: www.forumue.de external-link-new-window external link in new>NGO Forum on Environment and Development

Date & time: Thursday, February 19, 1.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m.

Venue: ZEF, Walter-Flex-Straße 3, 53113 Bonn, mid conference room


The year 2015 is a decisive year for sustainable development. In September governments will adopt the post-2015 agenda along with a set of sustainable development goals. The intergovernmental negotiations have just started and are based on a comprehensive process of research, dialogue and continuous meetings between states (in the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development, OWG), as well as with other stakeholders that took place over the last two years. The result of this process is a comprehensive report that serves as a basis for the current negotiations – the report of the OWG with its 17 goals and more than 150 targets.

Civil society has been very actively involved in the formulation of these goals at the UN, the international, the regional and the national level. Its main objective is that sustainable development has to be based on human rights, bring well-being for all, and link poverty eradication with social, ecological and economical sustainability. As a common effort to voice these fundamental requirements, the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, VENRO and ten CSOs, together representing a vast majority of environmental, development, humanitarian and peace CSOs, published “Eight Key Issues for a Post-2015 Global Development and Sustainability Agenda” highlighting core goals and content for a new global agenda: 1) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Overcome Inequality; 2) Justice and Decent Life for All; 3) Safeguard Functioning Ecosystems and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources; 4) Food Sovereignty and the Eradication of Hunger; 5) Include Responsible Governance and Global Governance; 6) Peace and Security; 7) Sustainable Economic Practices; 8) Fair Implementation – Ensure Sufficient Development and Sustainability Financing and Create Innovative Financing.

The position paper, “Eight Key Issues for a Post-2015 Global Development and Sustainability Agenda”, can be downloaded below.


About the speaker:

Jürgen Maier is the director of the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development. The German Forum on Environment and Development was founded on December 12th 1992 after the UN conference on Environment and Development (“Rio”) and serves as an NGO network for both environmental and development CSOs. Its main objective is to coordinate German CSOs in national and international political processes on sustainable development.

For further information on this presentation, please feel free to contact either of the organizers: Dr. Epifania Amoo-Adare (<link>eamooada@uni-bonn.de) or Dr. Habil. Anna-Katherina Hornidge (<link>hornidge@uni-bonn.de).


<link https: youtu.be adgnjldkiks external-link-new-window external link in new>Watch a record of the lecture on our youtube-channel.


Anna-Katharina Hornidge

Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge


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