Food and nutrition security: how research informs policy. ESOF, Kopenhagen.

June 25, 2014 | 10:30 h - 11:45 h

ZEF researchers and FOODSECURE colleagues at the EUROSCIENCE Open Forum (<link http: external-link-new-window external link in new>ESOF) 2014 in Kopenhagen, Denmark, June 21-26, 2014. "Science building bridges" is the motto of this year's Euroscience Open Forum.

ZEF and <link http: external-link-new-window external link in new>FOODSECURE researchers will organize a <link https: external-link-new-window external link in new>session on:
"Food and nutrition security: how research informs policy".

Venue: Carlsberg Museum/The Dance Hall, Kopenhagen

About the session:
Food and nutrition security is one of the biggest challenges facing global society. It is a multidimensional concept with many determinants, including food production and processing systems, distribution and markets, the preparation of food products and their consumption.

How do researchers analyse global and local food systems and their interactions? Which other systems are linked to food systems, and how can these be modelled? How do agricultural, environmental, economic, trade or science policies affect the food and nutrition outcomes measured at the individual‰'s level?

Addressing these questions allows researchers to respond to the challenge of food and nutrition shortages and volatility and assist stakeholders assessing food and nutrition security. Researchers must deliver the analytical tools to allow decision makers to improve the resilience of the food system by providing a means to mitigate risks and uncertainties caused by economic and climatic shocks, while providing for sustainable economic growth.

Moderator: Joachim von Braun, ZEF

Session organiser: Nicolas Gerber, ZEF




Nicolas Gerber

Dr. Nicolas Gerber


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