FOODSECURE final conference - "Policies that matter"

October 12, 2016 | 09:00 h - 18:00 h

We kindly announce the final <link - external-link-new-window "Opens external link in new window">FOODSECURE </link>conference, co-organised with<link external-link-new-window "Opens external link in new window"> FOOD 2030</link>, on

“Policies that matter - A policy & science forum on Europe’s role in eliminating global hunger and malnutrition"

Date and Venue: October 12, 2016, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, The SQUARE, RAVENSTEIN ENTRANCE, 2 rue Ravensteinstraat, Brussels (<link fileadmin/webfiles/downloads/foodsecure/SQUARE_how_to_get_there.pdf - download "Initiates file download">how to get there</link>)



8:30-9:15 h: Registration (Ravenstein entrance hall)

9:15-10:15 h: Opening session – plenary room (The Arc)

  • Introduction and moderator: Jack van der Vorst (Wag. Econ. Research)
  • Welcome address by the host: Wolfgang Burtscher (DG Research and Innovation) of the European Commission
  • Assessing and addressing global food and nutrition security, Hans van Meijl/ Thom Achterbosch (Wag. Econ. Research)
  • Key messages and short pitches to the parallel sessions

10:45-11:45 h - Parallel session: "A policy agenda driven by novel evidence on the determinants of global food and nutrition security (FNS)"

  • Consumer behaviour and household access driving food and nutrition insecurity in EU and beyond
  • Linking empowerment, innovation and resilience – evidence from farm households
  • Agricultural commodity prices and instability along the food value chain

12:00-13:00 h - Parallel session 2: "How do future FNS challenges shape EU policy action in meeting global sustainability and hunger and nutrition goals?"

  • Inequality and inclusiveness: Long term scenarios and robust policy response
  • Environmental sustainability of the food system: Long term scenarios and robust policy response
  • Food prices peaks and lows: what information and regulations to avoid extreme events?

14:00-15:30 h - Policy panel: “EU policies and global FNS” (The Arc)

  • Introduction and moderator: Jo Swinnen (KU Leuven)
  • Agriculture, trade and climate action - JC Bureau (INRA) on alignment of European farm & trade policies with FNS
  • Aid, governance and policy coherence - Lara Cockx (KU Leuven) on greater impact of EU development aid
  • On the policy panel: Mahendra Dev (IGIDR), Roberto Ridolfi (DG-DEVCO), Tassos Haniotis (DG AGRI)

16:00-17:30 h - Science panel: “A helpful research and policy frame for global action and governance of FNS” (The Arc)

  • Introduction & moderator: Joachim von Braun
  • Panelists: John Bell (DG Research), Ousmane Badiane (IFPRI), Alan Matthews (University of Dublin), Willis Kosura (University of Nairobi), David Zilberman (UC Berkeley)

17:30-18:00 h - Wrap-up and closing of the FOODSECURE conference

  • “Navigating the complexities of FNS: the legacy of FOODSECURE”, Hans van Meijl (LEI Wageningen UR)

18:00-20:00 h - Reception and buffet in the project village of the FOOD 2030 conference, hosted by DG Research & Innovation, European Commission



<link - external-link-new-window "Initiates file download">Find a detailed program and more information on our Conference Blog!</link>



Challenges facing decision-makers in the global food system

The current distress to food consumers and farmers related to El Nino illustrates that food and nutrition security concerns require continued and strengthened attention from decision-makers in the realms of policy and business. Nutrition security, inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth and social protection are also commonly seen as cornerstones for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals against a background of relatively tight food markets and variability in global food prices.

Indeed, there are concerns that food and nutrition security (FNS) might decrease in the future across the world. At the same time, macroeconomic stagnation and rising challenges with the double burden of malnutrition provide an incentive for many developing countries to strengthen the contribution of their farmers to national economic growth, poverty reduction and a stable and nutritious food supply.

Policy makers and opinion leaders, however, often lack sufficient information to gauge the likely effects of fundamental changes in global and domestic food markets on their country. An effective policy dialogue will benefit from an unbiased and rigorous assessment of the approaches for addressing food and nutrition security which include, for example, the right to food, international trade and sustainable agricultural intensification. The research project FOODSECURE has responded to this call for evidence and tools to design effective and sustainable strategies for assessing and improving global FNS, now and in the future. See <link></link&gt; for more information.

Conference objectives

The conference “Policies that matter” provides a policy & science forum on Europe’s role in eliminating global hunger and malnutrition. Reflecting the approach adopted throughout the project, in this final conference FOODSECURE researchers will engage with interested policy-makers and stakeholders during a one-day event to present, share and discuss their research results and findings as well as policy recommendations. an introduction to the project and the overall conceptual framework of the project for assessing and addressing FNS in an uncertain future and in anticipation of more volatile global agricultural markets.

The event is co-organised with the high-level event “FOOD 2030: Research & Innovation for Tomorrow's Nutrition & Food Systems”, which will explore what is needed to transform and future-proof our food systems for future food and nutrition security. FOODSECURE’s policy & science forum will define and underline the global and international relations in EU’s research & innovation towards 2030. The forum’s outcomes will be presented to the plenary of the high-level event on 13 October.


Nicolas Gerber

Dr. Nicolas Gerber


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