Impact of energy crisis on subjective wellbeing: Case study of Liaquat-abad, Lahore

January 30, 2014 | 13:30 h - 14:30 h


The present study explores the impact of erratic supply of electricity and gas on the subjective wellbeing of a low income group, and sheds light on the coping strategies this group employs to sustain their livelihoods. The study has been conducted in Liaquat-abad katchi abadi in Lahore, Pakistan. A qualitative research design has been used. A sample of 11 laborers belonging to low socioeconomic status was interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Data was analyzed using content analysis to gain insight into how the subjective wellbeing of the laboring class was affected.


The findings of the study reveal that rampant load shedding of electricity and gas inflicts exorbitant costs at the macro and micro level. Along with having dire economic consequences, power shutdowns adversely impact workers’ quality of life. It is also found that to deal with everyday hassles and stressors caused by the energy outages the laborers employ both positive and negative coping strategies. Adoption of negative coping behaviors is deleterious to their overall wellbeing.


The most striking finding of the research, however, is that despite the hardships imposed upon them, these laborers exhibit impressive level of resilience. The findings of the study will illustrate gravity of the situation to the concerned authorities and consequently impress upon them the need to boost efforts being made to reduce the present demand-supply gap. Additionally, they will be helpful for the policy makers, research community, and development partners – at international, national, and regional level – who aim to support development and enhance wellbeing.

Background information on the speaker:

Noor Ul-Ann holds an MPhil in Psychology from Government College University in Lahore. She participated in the DAAD-funded German-Pakistani Research Collaboration and Academic Capacity Building Program (2011-13), and as a result came to ZEF to join the ZEF doctoral studies program this year (2013-14). In her presentation, Noor Ul-Ann will present the findings of her empirical research.



Joe Hill

Dr. Joe Hill


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