Film screening of "Generation Kunduz. The war of the others" at ZEF.

January 25, 2012 | 16:00 h - 18:00 h

The Afghanistan freelance correspondent and film-director, Martin Gerner, will be at ZEF the January 25, 2012, at 4 – 6 p.m., in ZEF's right conference room (ground floor), for a screening and discussion of his film 'Generation Kunduz. The war of the others'.


Martin Gerner has been covering Afghanistan as a freelance correspondent for German media channels such as ARD (tv), Deutschland Radio, Deutsche Welle and national print media since 2004. He is a trainer, lecturer and consultant for a new generation of Afghan journalists with various media NGOs. He is the curator of a number of initiatives on Afghan documentary film, most prominently the 'Afghanistan from Inside' special at Dok-Leipzig Festival 2008. His film Generation Kunduz has won the DEFA-Award at the recent Dok-Leipzig documentary filmfestival as "outstanding German documentary".


The synopsis of 'Generation Kunduz. The war of the others' is as follows:

The story of five young Afghans in Kunduz, a city in the Afghan war. Mirwais, 10, who defines war and peace with the words of a child. Nazanin, a local reporter who fights for women's rights while wearing a burqa. Hasib, a student and democracy activist, who dreams of free and fair elections. Ghulam and Khatera, who are shooting a film in the middle of the armed conflict. A look into the minds of a young generation that lives in constant fear of Taliban attacks and the consequences of the foreign military’s presence. Daily life suddenly switching to disrupting realities. Nonetheless, all five protagonists dream of a modern society, like their counterparts in the Arab world. But will the wishes of these young Afghans be heard?


The film's website can be visited and a trailer viewed at





Joe Hill

Dr. Joe Hill


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