Exploring the Dynamics of Drug Resistance – An Examination from a Socio-Ecological Lens
January 16, 2024 | 13:00 h - 14:00 h
We kindly invite you to our upcoming Public Lecture!
Exploring the Dynamics of Drug Resistance – An Examination from a Socio-Ecological Lens
Samit Bhattacharyya, Associated Professor at School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (SNIoE), India
The lecture will be held in hybrid mode:
In-person attendance is possible in ZEF's conference rooms, ground floor, Genscherallee 3, 53113 Bonn.
You can also join us via Zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/j/67650180340?pwd=eHZyNUI0OHNiRHlMOFA4bXR2N0xldz09 (Meeting-ID: 676 5018 0340, Code: 157147)
The act of self-medication is a prevalent occurrence on a global scale and has the potential to be a significant factor in the development of antimicrobial resistance across the world, particularly in low-income countries (LICs) and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs). Socio-economic factors, such as poverty, inadequate health expenditure, and limited awareness, contribute to the acceleration of certain healthcare practices. The practice of self-medication is widely observed in numerous countries, where antibiotics are available without the prescriptions. The intricate interplay between drug resistance, economic factors, human behavior, and disease epidemiology presents a significant challenge to society. This phenomenon is crucial to consider when developing intervention strategies and formulating public health policies. Comprehending the interplay between human self-medication choices, economic development, and disease transmission, and how they mutually influence each other through feedback mechanisms, can play a crucial role in predicting the impact on dynamics of antimicrobial resistance and subsequently guiding policy interventions. The utilization of mathematical modeling is a crucial method for examining and measuring the impact of infectious diseases and their management. This presentation aims to introduce game dynamic models that can be utilized to depict human decision-making in the context of self-medication. Additionally, it will showcase how the strategic interactions of human choices interact with economic factors and the nonlinear nature of disease transmission.
About the speaker
Samit Bhattacharyya holds a Ph.D. in Mathematical Biology from the University of Calcutta, India (2006). His current research interests lie at the interface of Mathematics, Biology and Statistics. Using mathematical tools such as nonlinear dynamics, game theory and optimization, he tries to understand complexities at the population and individual level of ecology and evolution of infectious diseases of humans and wildlife, including childhood infections and emerging infectious diseases. Specifically, he is interested in spatiotemporal dynamics of infectious disease, the ecology of disease and management, impact of social norms and human behavior in disease and policymaking.