ODSRC workshop on "Mathematical modeling with application in R"

January 5, 2021 | 12:00 h - 14:30 h

by Koissi Savi, advanced One Health Junior Research

No registration required, mode synchronous


Meeting-ID: 831 0347 9997
Kenncode: 07W121

Course content /abstract:
We will introduce mechanistic models in biology and motivate the seminar.We will be given a presentation on the dynamics of population includingexponential growth and logistic growth.
During the second part of this workshop we will work on a predator-preymodel: Lokta-Volterra model.
The last part will be about a basic disease dynamic modeling (Ross model)followed by the application in R.

Please read and practice before the lecture:
Link:  savikoissi.github.io/Mathematical-Biology/

Required preinstalled software: Basic calculus, linear algebra, R software

Reading material

1- Murray, James D (2002). Mathematical Biology I. An introduction.
2- Martcheva, Maia (2015). An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology
3- Bjørnstad, Ottar N. (2018). Epidemics Models and Data using R


Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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