Political Ecology of Climate Wars

October 4, 2011 | 11:00 h - 12:30 h

We would like to invite you to a Public Seminar by Prof Dr Benedikt Korf, of the Department of Geography, University of Zurich, who will present on the Political Ecology of Climate Wars.


The seminar is organised through ZEF A research colloquium.

Selected key publications

On the geographies of violence:


Korf, B. (2011, forthcoming): Resources, violence and the telluric geographies of small wars. Progress in Human Geography.

Korf, B., Engeler, M. and Hagmann, T. 2010, The geography of warscape. Third World Quarterly 31 (3), 385-399.

Korf, B. 2006, Cargo Cult Science, Armchair Empiricism and the Idea of Violent Conflict, Third World Quarterly 27 (3), 459-476.


On the political geographies of violence in Sri Lanka:

Goodhand, J., Klem, B., Korf, B. 2009, Religion, conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka, European Journal of Development Research 21, 679–698.

Hasbullah, SH., Korf, B. 2009, Muslim geographies and the politics of purification in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Tsunami. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 30, 248-264.

Korf, B., Fünfgeld, H. 2006, War and the Commons: assessing the changing politics of violence, access and entitlements in Sri Lanka, Geoforum 37 (3), 391-403.

Korf, B. 2006, Who is the Rogue? Discourse, Power and Spatial Politics in Sri Lanka, Political Geography 25 (3), 279-297.

Korf, B. 2006, Dining with Devils? An Ethnographic Enquiry into the Conflict-Development Nexus in Sri Lanka, Oxford Development Studies 44 (1), 47-64.

Korf, B. 2005, Rethinking the Greed-Grievance Nexus: Property Rights and the Political Economy of War in Sri Lanka, Journal of Peace Research 42 (2), 201-217.

Korf, B. 2004, War, Livelihoods and Vulnerability in Sri Lanka, Development and Change 35 (2), 177-197.


On the moral geographies of post-Tsunami aid:

Korf, B. 2010, Sri Lanka: the third wave. International Development Planning Review, 32 (1), i-vi.

Korf, B., Hasbullah, SH, Hollenbach, P., Klem, B. 2010, The gift of disaster: On the commodification of good intentions in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. Disasters 34(S1): 60?77.

Korf, B. 2007, Antinomies of Generosity: Moral geographies and post-Tsunami aid in Southeast Asia, Geoforum 38 (1), 366-378.

Korf, B. 2006, Geographien der Moral, Geographische Zeitschrift 94 (1), 1-14.

Korf, B. 2006, Disasters, Generosity and the Other, Geographical Journal 172 (3), 245-247.


On unmaking the (pastoral) commons in Ethiopia:

Crewett, W., Bogale, A., Korf, B. 2008, Land Tenure in Ethiopia: Continuities, change and the quest for state control, CAPRi Working Paper 91 (Washington D.C.: IFPRI). (pdf: 242KB (PDF, 233 Kb))

Crewett, W., Korf, B. 2008, Reforming Land Tenure in Ethiopia: Historical narratives, political ideologies and multiple practices, Review of African Political Economy 116, 202-220.

Beyene, F., Korf, B. 2008, Unmaking the commons: Collective action, property righst and resource appropriation among (agro-) pastoralists in Eastern Ethiopia, CAPRi Working Paper 88 (Washingon D.C.: IFPRI). [forthcoming in: Meinzen-Dick, R. und E Mwangi (eds.) (2011), Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.] (pdf: 576KB (PDF, 576 Kb))

Bogale, A., Korf, B. 2007, To Share or Not to Share? (Non-)Violence, Scarcity and Resource Access in Somali Region, Ethiopia, Journal of Development Studies 43 (4), 743-765.


Conrad Schetter

PD Dr. Conrad Schetter


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