ZEF at Open Day at Villa Hammerschmidt

June 14, 2015 | 11:00 h - 14:00 h

ZEF-researchers will present their research on the impact of electronic waste in Africa and show computer-based simulation games about land use decisions at the Open Day 2015 at <link https: bonn.de tourismus_kultur_sport_freizeit parks_und_gaerten external link in new>Villa Hammerschmidt in Bonn.

ZEF has a stand in science-tent 4 (located in the park surrounding the Villa).
Villa Hammerschmidt will be open to the public from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., ZEF will be in tent 4 from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


Trace the waste: What happens to our used mobile phones?
ZEF junior researcher <link http: www.zef.de external link in new>Vincent Kyere tackles this question in his doctoral research. Visit the stand and learn more about where your old mobile phone might end up and what negative effects this trip causes to people and the environment, especially in Africa - a most likely final destination of our electronic waste.

The "grazing game"
ZEF senior researcher <link http: www.zef.de external link in new>Grace Villamor presents her "grazing game". This is a computer-based game where (land-)users can make decisions about land use. The game then shows the consequences in terms of sustainability. Visit ZEF's stand at the Open Day and try this amazing grazing game developed at ZEF!



Alma van der Veen


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