ZEF at DIES Academicus on Agricultural innovations for poverty reduction

May 20, 2015 | 11:00 h - 13:00 h

Local and global, institutional and technological: Agricultural innovations for poverty reduction

Lokal und global, institutionell und technologisch: Landwirtschaftliche Innovationen zur Armutsreduzierung

ZEF Session at the Dies Academicus

Venue: Hörsaal XVII (Hauptgebäude, Regina-Pacis-Weg 5)

Date: May 20, 2015, 11.00-13.00

We live in a rapidly changing world. Technological and institutional innovations are developing and spreading at a breathtaking pace. Agricultural and communication technologies are prominent examples of this trend. Improved seeds and fertilizers have revolutionized farming while mobile phones have reached some of the most remote parts of the globe. Are farmers in developing countries benefiting from these changes or are they at risk of being left behind? Are they simply "takers" or a source of innovation too? This session will look at Ethiopia, Kenya and Ghana to find answers to these questions.

11:00 | Armutsreduzierung als Geschäftsmodell? Das Beispiel des Saatgutsektors in Äthiopien

<link http: www.zef.de external-link-new-window external link in new>Christine Husmann, ZEF senior researcher

11:30 | Farmer Innovation Contests: Identification of farmers’ innovations in Northern Ghana

<link http: www.zef.de external-link-new-window external link in new>Justice Akpene Tambo, ZEF junior researcher

12:00 | Mobiltelefone in der Landwirtschaft: Beispiele von lokaler Innovation in Kenia

<link http: www.zef.de external-link-new-window external link in new>Heike Baumüller, ZEF junior researcher

12:30 | Do aspirations matter in the adoption of agricultural innovations? Evidence from Ethiopia

<link http: www.zef.de external-link-new-window external link in new>Daniel Ayalew Mekonnen, ZEF junior researcher


Alma van der Veen


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