Wild, valuable and vulnerable: Scientists warn about negative impact of vanishing rain forests on wild coffee and biodiversity in Ethiopia

November 07, 2007.  

The ongoing process of deforestation of the Ethiopian rainforests seems to be a non-issue in the current debate on global environmental change. In its latest policy brief titled “The deforestation of Ethiopia’s rainforests – reasons for concern”, the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn relates why it certainly is and should be an issue.


In this short paper the author, ZEF senior researcher Franz Gatzweiler, has summarized arguments for debate and action and shows us the reasons why we ought and have to be concerned about the state of affairs of the mountain rain forests in Ethiopia. “The speed with which they disappear is worrisome and has an enormous negative impact on the status of biodiversity”, Gatzweiler concludes.


“The rainforests are also the place of origin of the so-called Coffea arabica, or ‘wild coffee’. This unique plant still grows in these forests but is being threatened by deforestation”, Gatzweiler points out. “Since Coffea arabica is the source of one of the world’s most important industries, its conservation should take a very prominent place on the agenda for social corporate responsibility”.


“With this policy brief we want to call for collective action, since neither the Ethiopian government, nor the forces of civil society in the country or the global market can do the job of saving the rain forests by themselves”, says the author. “We especially appeal to the international donor community to undertake action, being an important stakeholder with the necessary impact”.


Deutsche Zusammenfassung: Policy_brief_7_deutsche_Zusfass.pdf



Alma van der Veen

Press and Public Relations

Center for Development Research

Phone # 49 228 731846

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