ATSAF-Job-News 21-2004
August 20, 2004.
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:03:18 +0200
From: Organization: ATSAF e.V. <>
1. Cimmyt : Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Kazakhstan
2. Drei Stellenangebote der DWHH
3. IAMO hat zum 1. November 2004 eine Stelle für eine/n Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in
5. Praktikum in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Erneuerbare Energien
6. PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITÄT MARBURG, Halbtagsstelle für eine(n) Wissenschaftliche(n) Mitarbeiter/-in
7.Position and Grade: Plant Biotechnologist (P-3), Organizational Unit: FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory
1. Cimmyt: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Kazakhstan
The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) invites applications for the position of Post-Doctoral Fellow in Conservation Agriculture. The position will be based at CIMMYT's Regional Office in, Kazakhstan, but the selected candidate will be expected to spend considerable periods of time at other research sites within Central Asia and the Caucuses (CAC).
The Post Doctoral Fellow will engage in the following activities:
- Work closely with institutions in the region and with CIMMYT staff to advance the research, extension and adoption of conservation agriculture.
- Adapt conservation agriculture practices to the circumstances of resource- constrained farmers managing both irrigated and rainfed systems.
- Provide practical training to visiting scientists from around the region.
We are seeking candidates wifh fhe following qualificafions, skills, characterisfics and interesfs:
- Ph.D. in Agronomy, Soil Science or a closely related field.
- Practical agricultural experience, including experience with farm machinery.
- Working knowledge of GIS, remote sensing and precision agriculture.
- Computer literacy, with proficiency in the common software packages.
- Proficiency in Russian and English.
- Ability to work in multi-cultural environments and in multi-disciplinary teams.
- Willingness to spend considerable time away from home.
- Commitment to advances in farm productivity and poverty reduction in the developing world and in emerging economies.
CIMMYT ( is an internationally funded, non-profit research and training organization affiliated with the Consultative Group an International Agricultural Research (CGIAR, and has an annual budget of USW million. CIMMYT's mission is to help the poor in the developing world by increasing the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of maize- and wheat-based cropping systems while protecting natural resources. The Center is a global leader in scientific research and training related to maize and wheat, and in biotechnology, economics, and natural resource management research. These activities are conducted in partnership with national agricultural research systems, non-governmental organizations, and advanced research institutions, both public and private, in globally- and regionally-focused programs. CIMMYT employs a staff of 700 and operates in a decentralized, partnership mode, having staff in 17 countries, projects and partnership networks in many more.
The position is for a fixed-term contract of two years, after which further employment is subject to performance and availability of funds. Salaries of internationally recruited staff are paid in US dollars. Benefits for Post-Doctoral Fellows include housing allowance, life and health insurance package,. education allowance, annual medical examination, and shipping allowance. CIMMYT is an equal-opportunity employer and strives for staff diversity in gender and nationality.
To apply, please send via email, post or fax, a letter of application with your recent curriculum vitae, including address, phone, fax and email, and the names and contact details of three professional referees, to the Human Resources Manager (address below) by August 27, 2004. For technical information regarding this position, please contact Dr. Hans-Joachim Braun, Director Rainfed Wheat Systems Program, CIMMYT, email: or Dr. Alexei Morgounov, CIMMYT Representative in CAC, email:
Human Resources Manager, (Reference 2004112), CIMMYT, Int.
Apdo. Postal 6-641 06600 Mexico, D.F. MEXICO
Phone: (+52) 55-5804-2004 Fax: (+52) 55-5804-7558
Email: iobs-cimmyt
2. Drei Stellenangebote der DWHH
Derzeit sucht die Deutsche Welthungerhilfe:
- eine Fachkraft für Fischereiwesen für die Demokratische Republik Kongo
- eine Programmadministrator/-in für das südliche Afrika
- eine/n Regionalkoordinator/-in Agrar für Afghanistan
Näheres unter
Quellle: DWHH Newsletter 9.8.04
3. Das Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (IAMO) betreibt grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Forschung auf dem Gebiet der internationalen Agrarentwicklung. Durch die wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Transformations- und Entwicklungsprozesse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft der Länder Mittel- und Osteuropas (MOEL) einschließlich der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten soll deren Übergang in die Marktwirtschaft unterstützt werden (siehe
Im Institut ist zum 1. November 2004 eine Stelle für eine/n Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (BAT-Ost IIa) für folgende Forschungsbereiche zu besetzen:
- Analyse der Auswirkungen der Übernahme von EU-Standards im Ernährungssektor der MOEL,
- qualitative Analyse des Strukturwandels in der Ernährungsindustrie der MOEL,
- quantitative Analysen im Bereich des food-chain-management. Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein Diplom bzw. eine Promotion in der Fachrichtung Agrarökonomik, Volkswirtschaftslehre oder Betriebswirtschaftslehre, sehr gute Kenntnisse der relevanten theoretischen Ansätze und quantitativer Analysemethoden sowie der englischen Sprache. Erfahrungen mit den Problemen der Transformationsprozesse in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas sind ebenso erwünscht wie die Kenntnis einer osteuropäischen Sprache. Darüber hinaus wird von dem/der Bewerber/in eine ausgeprägte Bereitschaft und Befähigung zu internationaler wissenschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit erwartet.
Die Stelle ist zunächst für ein Jahr zu besetzen. Eine Verlängerung ist möglich. Das Land Sachsen-Anhalt strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen im Bereich der Wissenschaften an. Frauen werden daher nachdrücklich aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben. Schwerbehinderte Bewerber/innen werden bei entsprechender Eignung vorrangig berücksichtigt.
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte bis spätestens 20.09.2004 an den Geschäftsführenden Direktor Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann, Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Theodor- Lieser-Straße 2, D-06120 Halle (Saale).
The International Potato Center (CIP) is a non-for-profit international agricultural research organization with its headquarters in Lima, Peru and offices in Ecuador, China, India, Indonesia, and Kenya. CIP is a member of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a network of 15 international research centers and 50 donor countries and agencies.
The Position
CIP is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to conduct natural resources research in the target countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and to provide scientific support to the Global Mountain Program activities in the region. The main activities of the position include:
- Conducting environmental vulnerability analysis for the production systems prioritized by CIP and the GMP, at watershed and country levels.
- Modeling potato and sweet potato (varieties and clones) responses under climate variability and change scenarios.
- Providing backstopping in systems and modeling to CIP and GMP staff.
The fellow will be expected to contribute to the fundraising and public awareness activities of the Center by developing research proposals and public awareness materials.
Qualifications and experience:
- Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, Agronomy or a related field with a strong quantitative background and manipulation of weather/climate and soil spatial-temporal data sets.
- Demonstrated understanding of crop eco-physiology and management, preferably with experience in potato and/or sweet potato.
- Expertise in the use and interpretation of environmental and agricultural models, geographic information systems, geo-spatial modeling, and competence in numeric programming in a computer language are desirable as technical skills.
- Qualifications include experience with analysis and stochastic generation of daily weather data and familiarity with the use of seasonal climate forecast.
- Familiarities with environmental vulnerability analysis as well as interactions with international organizations working in agricultural and climate change research are desirable.
- Evidence of an interest and ability in applying scientific research to solve real-world problems is required.
- Experience in developing countries is also desirable.
- Ability to work as a member of a research team in a multicultural environment. Terms of appointment:
This is a fixed term appointment for three years. CIP offers a competitive remuneration package including salary based on experience and paid in US Dollars.
Location: The successful candidate will be based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Applications: Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses (including telephone, fax and email) of three professional referees to the Office of the Deputy Director General for Research, at CIP encourages applications from female and developing country candidates. The deadline for reception of applications is August 31, 2004.
For further information contact Dr. Roberto Quiroz +51-1-349-6017 ext. 3018 or
Learn more about CIP by accessing our web site at CIP is a Future Harvest Center, supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR
5. Praktikum in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Erneuerbare Energien
Die Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie ist eine gemeinnützig arbeitende, große deutsche Stiftung mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.
Wir bieten zwischen September 2004 und März 2005 in der Zentrale in Bensheim einen Praktikumsplatz mit einer wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit von mindestens 20 Stunden.
Im Jahr 2005 wird in Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) in Indien eine Nachfolgekonferenz zum Thema "Erneuerbare Energien" stattfinden. Sie unterstützen den Projektleiter in inhaltlichen und organisatorischen Fragen.
Anforderung: abgeschlossenes Grundstudium
Gewünschter Zeitraum: mind. 6 Monate
Arbeitsort: Bensheim (Hessen)
Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie
Susanne Fischer
Darmstädter Str. 100
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: 06251 / 70 05 26
Im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Institut für Kooperation in Entwicklungsländern - Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Michael Kirk - der Philipps-Universität Marburg ist in Zusammenarbeit mit dem International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C./USA und dem Fachgebiet Ressourcenökonomie der Humboldt-Universität Berlin im Forschungsprojekt "Collective Action and Property Rights for Po-verty Reduction"- zum frühestmöglichen Termin - befristet bis zum 31.07.2007 - die Halbtagsstelle für eine(n) Wissenschaftliche(n) Mitarbeiter/-in zu besetzen.
Die Vergütung erfolgt nach Verg.-Gr. IIa BAT.
Die Möglichkeit zu eigener wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung wird geboten. Hierfür steht ein Drittel der Arbeitszeit zur Verfügung.
Wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen zur Organisation, Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Forschung und Lehre gem. § 77 Abs. 1 HHG, insbesondere im Bereich der institutionenökonomischen Analyse von Verfügungsrechten an natürlichen Ressourcen, Kooperationsformen und hybriden Organisationen im ruralen Raum Kambodschas sowie eigene wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung.
Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit Prädikatsexamen. Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sowie gute Kenntnisse in quantitativen Analysemethoden. Auslandserfahrung und Erfahrung in empirischer Sozialforschung sind erwünscht.
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen sind bis zum 20.08.2004 an den Dekan des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Philipps-Universität, Universitätsstraße 25, 35032 Marburg, zu senden.
Der Frauenförderplan der Philipps-Universität verpflichtet zur Erhöhung des Frauenanteils. Frauen sind deshalb ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.
Schwerbehinderte Bewerber(innen) werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt.
Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen nur Kopien zuzuschicken, da wir sie aus Kostengründen nicht zurücksenden können; sie werden nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet.
Bewerbungs- und Vorstellungskosten werden nicht erstattet.
7.Vacancy Notice No. 2004/068
Position and Grade: Plant Biotechnologist (P-3)
Organizational Unit: FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory
Agency's Laboratories (Seibersdorf and Headquarters)
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications
Duty Station: Seibersdorf, Austria
Issue Date: 16 July 2004
Application Deadline: 16 September 2004
Type/Duration of Appointment: Fixed term, 3 years
CCOG Code: 1.H.02.f
Organizational Setting
The Plant Breeding Unit, Agency's Laboratories, Seibersdorf and Vienna is the laboratory arm of the plant breeding and genetics component of the "Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production Systems (SICPS)" subprogramme of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. The Joint FAO/IAEA Division assists FAO and IAEA Member Countries in the use of nuclear techniques and related biotechnologies for developing improved strategies for sustainable food security.
Specifically, the Unit is mandated with the laboratory activities aimed at assisting national plant breeding programmes in the use of mutation techniques and modern biotechnologies for developing better varieties of major and under-exploited food and industrial crops. To achieve these, it contributes to: the coordination and support of research; the provision of technical and advisory services; the provision of laboratory support and training; and the collection, analysis and dissemination of information.
The Plant Biotechnologist will be under the direct supervision of the Head of the Plant Breeding Unit at the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, and will take part in the implementation of the plant breeding and genetics components of the SICPS subprogramme.
In particular, he/she will: Using induced mutagenesis, develop agronomically superior crop mutants for dissemination to partner plant breeders from FAO and IAEA Member States. Also, develop molecular tags for the mutated genome segments influencing the traits of interest for use in marker-aided selection. Generate molecular genetic fingerprints of (agronomically) useful crop mutants as requested by FAO and IAEA Member States. Supervise fellows' training activities in the areas of induced mutations and molecular genetic fingerprinting of mutants. Also, make a significant input to training activities at the Plant Breeding Unit. Contribute to group and individual training activities at the Plant Breeding Unit, especially in the areas of induced mutations and molecular genetic fingerprinting of mutants. Provide scientific leadership, play a mentoring role to Unit technicians and deputize for the Unit Head as required. Undertake occasional field missions to advise project counterparts on project execution. Prepare internal documents, compile and publish research results and participate in scientific meetings.
Education and Experience
PhD or equivalent in plant breeding and genetics, crop science, agronomy, plant molecular biology, or other related disciplines. Minimum of 6 years' experience in applying induced mutagenesis, molecular genetic markers and cytogenetic technologies to address crop production constraints. Experience at international level desirable.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Proven skills in:
Applying induced mutagenesis for crop improvement. The use of molecular genetic markers (including radioactive labelled probes and/or primers) for plant germplasm characterization. Communication to interact effectively with internal and external counterparts. Ability to: Plan and implement research activities, interpret data and disseminate research result findings. Advise and train fellows and other national agriculture research station (NARS) partners in the use of these techniques for crop genetic improvement. Produce high-quality scientific reports of research activities, training manuals, project reports, etc. Work effectively in a multicultural environment with respect and sensitivity for diversity. Communicate fluently in spoken and written English. Working knowledge of German desirable. Knowledge of French and Spanish definite assets.
The Agency offers an attractive remuneration package including a tax-free annual net base salary starting at US $48 242, a variable post adjustment which currently amounts to US $21 709*, dependency benefits, rental subsidy, education grant, relocation and repatriation expenses; 6 weeks' annual vacation, home leave, pension plan and health insurance.
How to apply to the IAEA
- Subject to change without notice
Applications from qualified women and candidates from developing countries are encouraged
Applicants should be aware that IAEA staff members are international civil servants and may not accept instructions from any other authority. Staff members may be assigned to any location. The IAEA retains the discretion not to make any appointment to this vacancy, to make an appointment at a lower grade or to make an appointment with a modified job description or for shorter duration than indicated above.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung e.V.
ATSAF e.V., c/o Universität Hohenheim (430) D-70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49-711-4706900
Fax: +49-711-4592652
Konto: 300 39 69 010
Volksbank Bonn Rhein-Sieg eG, BLZ 380 601 86