ATSAF Veranstaltungs-News07-2006

May 08, 2006.  





Brazilian Congress of Agroforestry Systems, 23-27 October 2006


Symposium "Deutschland und die Wälder Amazoniens" Albert-Ludwigs-Universität

Freiburg20. Mai 2006






European Capacity-Building Programme for International Development Cooperation


Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development

The Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development (SLE) at the Humboldt

University, located in the heart of Berlin, has been training young professionals for all

fields in international development cooperation and management for over four

decades. More than 700 people have graduated from SLE, and are now working in

international development cooperation for private, international, and bilateral agencies.

Its regular programme consists of a one-year, interdisciplinary post-graduate training

course and includes a three-month training course in a development project abroad.

SLE is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and

the Senate of Berlin.

European Capacity-Building Programme

SLE's European Capacity-Building Programme is designed to meet the needs of young

professionals for short-term training in the area of development cooperation. The

training offered will allow them to face the increasing complexity of development

assistance, which requires up-to date knowledge and practical skills.

SLE is well integrated in the development cooperation network. Participants of the

programme will have various opportunities to make connections with stakeholders in

development cooperation. Among our partners are: Federal Ministry for Economic

Cooperation and Development, (, ASA (, GTZ

(German Technical Cooperation), KfW (German Financial Cooperation), BER e.V. (Network of Berlin Development NGO's) www.ber-, DED (German Development Service), DIE (German

Development Institute), DWHH (German Agro Action), FAO .


Target Group

The Programme is directed at professionals working in the field of development

cooperation in governmental and non-governmental organisations, and in academia.

By selecting participants from different countries with various professional and cultural

backgrounds, the programme follows the intercultural and interdisciplinary approach

vital for development cooperation.


Programme Structure

Participants can either attend all courses or choose the topics most relevant to them.

All courses are accompanied by a framework programme that provides participants

with the opportunity to become familiar with scholarly discussions in the area of

development cooperation, and to meet with representatives of German governmental

and non-governmental organisations active in the field of development cooperation


Teaching Methodology

All courses are learner oriented and focus on team work. Learning by doing is the key

element of SLE's teaching philosophy. Case studies and exercises help to create an

environment of common learning where participants can put acquired methods into

practice. The theoretical input of the courses allow for discussion and reflection on




Due to its forty years of experience in development cooperation training, SLE can build

on a large pool of highly-qualified international trainers with extensive professional

experience in all areas of development cooperation.



In 2006 the Programme includes 3 courses:


1. Course: Project Cycle Management Course (PCM)

The course is based on the concept of project management used in international

development cooperation projects. The core of its philosophy is that initiatives for

technical cooperation should be a result of the self-help development process involving

the principal actors. The objective of project cycle management is to learn from

experience in order to improve future performance.


The course includes:

- An introduction to the philosophy of project cycle management

- The six project cycle phases

- Logical Framework: situation analysis, planning, application

- Limitations of project cycle management



After the course participants will be familiar with the principles of project cycle

management. They will have practiced the essential mechanisms of project cycle

management and be in a position to apply it.



31.07 - 11.08.2006


2. Course: Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management

Conflict management and conflict transformation are core issues in development work.

Development projects are not only affected by conflicts, but also run the risk of

aggravating conflicts that already exist in a region or even of triggering new conflict



The course includes:

- Models of escalation

- Approaches to conflict transformation

- Methods of conflict analysis and peace development, and conflict-oriented indicators


By the end of the course participants will be familiar with the principles of conflict

management. They will have practiced its basic mechanisms and be in a position to

put them into practice.


Dates: 14.08.-25.08.2006


3. Course: Leading People

Leaders in the development arena require special skills in engaging people. Instead of

controlling, motivating and evaluating people, the fields of competence are around

learning, enhancing and reinforcing their efforts. Leaders need to help create

organizations - not with suffocating imperatives for control but with a coherent identity

that is in motion and willing to make a difference.


The course focuses on the following topics:

- Knowing oneself and knowing others through developing leadership awareness

- Clarifying the path of the organization with expanded communication skills

- Changing resistance to resilience

- Creating synergy from diversity and inspiration


To be able to think differently about leadership and how to organize human activities in

a way that creates greater capacity, and to evoke what is best within ourselves.

Dates: 28.8.-8.9.2006



Participants will receive a certificate on regular attendance and successful completion

of each course.



Participants should hold a university degree equivalent to an M.A. and have a good

command of English.



Course fees for each course: 315€

SLE will be of assistance in finding adequate accommodation in Berlin.


Depending on the availability of funds, a limited number of scholarships will be granted

to participants from developing countries, preferably alumni of German universities,

and to people in leading positions in NGDOs in the new EU-member states.

Preference will be given to those who wish to enrol in all three courses. The

scholarships will not cover the tuition.


Number of places 25 participants


Application - Registration

Application forms can be obtained from the following website:


If you apply for a scholarship, please submit:


Application form C.V.

Letter of motivation, explaining why and how your work/your organisation will gain from

your taking part in the courses

Documentation of your former affiliation with a German university/institution


Documentation of your position in a non governmental development organisation in

one of the new EU-member states


Applications for scholarships should be sent until: 06.06.2006




Applicants will be notified about the outcome of their application during the third week

of June.

Further Information

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Katharina Ochse

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung (SLE)

Hessische Straße 1-2

D-10099 Berlin

Phone: ++49-30-20 93 69 00



2. Brazilian Congress of Agroforestry Systems, 23-27 October 2006


The VI Brazilian Congress of Agroforestry Systems (VI CBSAF) will take place

between October 23-27, 2006, in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State,

Brazil, organized by Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro

(UENF) and promoted by the Brazilian Society of

Agroforestry Systems (SBSAF). The theme of the VI CBSAF is "Agroforestry Systems:

scientific bases for sustainable development". This theme will be discussed in three

conferences and 24 lectures by researches from Brazil and abroad. The VI CBSAF is

an important meeting of agroforestry science in Brazil to discuss the scientific and

technological knowledge advances

and to suggest resolution of socioeconomic and ecological problems and to help the

organization agribusiness of agroforestry products. The VI CBSAF will have follow-up

scientific meetings for consolidation of Brazilian Society of Agroforestry Systems and

will spread the agroforestry systems

as a sustainable alternative land use of Brazil's tropical and sub-tropical ecosystems.

The Congress will have around 700 participants among researchers and graduate

students from Brazil and abroad summing up to about 300 scientific papers. The VI


CBSAF is organized in six sessions:

1 - Socioeconomy and Policy

2 - Biology, Ecology and Enviroment Service

3 - Agroforestry Management

4 - Soil and Palnt Nutrition

5 - Modelling and Statistics

6 - Education, Extension and Technology


Transfer Workshops

1 -.Agroforestry for Horticulture Ornamental Production

2 - Agroforestry for Eucalyptus Production



1 - Agroforestry: Concepts and Applications

2 - Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn


For more information look

at website and email


Source: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos da Gama-Rodrigues Chair of VI CBSAF

Setor de Qummica e Fertilidade do Solo Professor Associado do

Laboratsrio de Solos UENF/CCTA Tel. (22) 2726 1433 Fax. (22) 2726 1549



3. Symposium "Deutschland und die Wälder Amazoniens" Albert-Ludwigs-Universität

Freiburg 20. Mai 2006


Am 20. Mai veranstaltet das Institut für Waldbau der Universität Freiburg im Rahmen

des Forschungsprojektes ForLive "Kleinbäuerliche Waldbewirtschaftung in Amazonien

- ein Beitrag zur Ökosystemstabilität und Armutsbekämpfung" ein Symposium zum

Thema "Deutschland und die Wälder Amazoniens".


Kompetente Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit werden den Standpunkt Deutschlands zu Amazonien

kritisch analysieren sowie sinnvolle Möglichkeiten sowie auch die Grenzen einer

deutschen Einflussnahme diskutieren. Ab 10 Uhr vormittags werden im Rahmen von

Kurzvorträgen mit anschließender Diskussion wichtige Aspekte des Themas

beleuchtet sowie unterschiedliche Positionen dargestellt. Um 14:30 Uhr treffen sich die

Vortragenden dann zu einer Podiumsdiskussion. Veranstaltungsort ist die katholische

Akademie in der Wintererstraße 1 in Freiburg.


Da nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen vorhanden ist, wird um eine Anmeldung (per

Email an oder telefonisch unter 0761/203-

3680) gebeten.


Weitere Informationen unter oder

über Inka Montero (


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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung e.V.


ATSAF e.V., c/o Universität Hohenheim (430) D-70593 Stuttgart

Tel.: +49-711-4706900

Fax: +49-711-4592652



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Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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