PhD Conference on Development Dialogue at ISS - Call for Papers

February 11, 2008.  

Dear all,


The Development Dialogue is a yearly initiative of PhD Candidates at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. The objective is to exchange the results of recent and ongoing research by young scholars and PhD candidates in different fields of development studies. It provides an opportunity for presenting one’s work and receiving feedback from both peers and professors from ISS and elsewhere. Specifically, each presentation will be assigned a qualified discussant to give comments on the paper.


This year, the conference is taking place on June 6th on “Current Trends in Development Studies”. See below for details.


In behalf of the comittee in charge of Development Dialogue 2008,


Pedro Goulart







6th DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUE: June 6th, 2008


Current Trends in Development Studies

The Development Dialogue is a yearly initiative of PhD Candidates at the Institute of Social Studies, in The Hague, The Netherlands. The objective is to exchange the results of recent and ongoing research by young scholars and PhD candidates in different fields of development studies. It provides an opportunity for presenting one’s work and receiving feedback from both peers and professors from ISS and elsewhere. Specifically, each presentation will be assigned a qualified discussant to give comments on the paper.


This year, the proposed theme is: “Current Trends in Development Studies”. Recent years have meant progress for millions but delayed promises of positive change for many more. Success stories have been countervailed by disappointing changes or clear lack of change which too often disregard the majority of the population. Numerous developing countries have been reforming their public and private sectors, investing in innovation and applying new and modern techniques to manage their resources. But have these institutional transformations delivered? If yes, has there been equity? Furthermore, the rise of China and India is marking a new phase of globalization and creates new challenges and opportunities for other developing countries.


The 6th Development Dialogue is an opportunity to evaluate these recent transformations and policies, and to discuss and design future ones. The event is embedded in the multidisciplinary tradition of ISS and of previous Dialogues and, therefore, contributions from all the different social sciences will be valued.


resentations on the following areas will be particularly appreciated:

Governance, state and society:

Elites and Power Relations

Equal Citizenship and Gender Practices

Innovation and Networks

Internal and Ethnic Conflicts

Public and Private Sector Reform and Resource Management

Economic development:

Changes in the Pattern of Specialization and Domestic Adjustment;

Financial Instability and Global Imbalances.


Dates to remember

The conference is taking place on June 6th 2008. An abstract (max.: 500 words) should be sent to Pedro Goulart ( by March 31st. Selection results will be announced on April 15th and the final version of selected papers (expected maximum length: 10,000 words) are due on May 31st.


Travel and accommodation

Participants are kindly asked to pay their travel costs, part of which will be refunded at ISS. Accommodation will be provided by ISS.






Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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