ATSAF Veranstaltungs-News 03-2008

February 22, 2008.  

1. Call for Papers: Training Course: Basic Issues in Economic and Farm Management

Advisory Work, Moskow, Russia, 22-26.9.2008

2. Call for Papers: IAMO, Halle: Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis,


3.GNE, Witerbildungsprogramm: Koordinator/in für Erneuerbare Energie &

Energiemanagement -25. März 2008 bis 24. September 2008

4. 25. März 2008 bis 24. September 2008 (6 Monate EU Marie Curie Project:Modern

Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe (MACE)

5. Research-Training Workshop on Rural Property and Inequality, at the School of

Development Studies of the University of East Anglia in Norwich on 1-2 September 2008

6. UNI ART: Mensch und Natur, 6. Juli 2007 um 18.00 Uhr in der Fakultät für Forst- und

Umweltwissenschaften, Tennenbacherstraße 4, 79106 Freiburg




Call for Papers: Training Course: Basic Issues in Economic and Farm Management Advisory

Work, Moskow, Russia, 22-26.9.2008


In the course of a Marie Curie Project, co-ordinated by Humboldt University at Berlin, the

Russian State University - Timiryazew Academy and the Hohenheim University in Germany

organize this Training Course.


Participants from EU, associated and non EU-countries are welcome. The course wants to

attract junior scientists engaged in post-graduate or post-doctoral studies up to 35 years of

age. Applicants are expected to submit and present a scientific work and to take an active

role in the discussion.

Funding by the Marie Curie Program allows the organizers to offer financial support to a

sufficient number of eligible participants, covering travel costs, accommodations, meals and

the participation fee.

Deadline of submission of full set of documents is 1st of the Mai, Notifications of acceptance

of the application will take place by 15th of June. Sending of official invitation to start visa

procedure is 1st of August.


The complete Call for Papers can be downloaded at:


Source: MACE Program and ATSAF





Call for Papers: IAMO, Halle: Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis


We have the pleasure to announce the 2nd Halle Workshop on Efficiency and

Productivity Analysis (HAWEPA) on Dynamics, Risk, and Firm Heterogeneity

to be held on May 26-27, 2008 in Halle (Saale), Germany. The workshop is

organised by IAMO (Liebniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in

Central Europe) and IWH (Halle Institute for Economic Research).


We would be very happy if you would consider submitting an extended

abstract to the workshop. The program provides possibilities for

contributed papers and posters. Deadline for abstract submission is March

25, 2008.


Contributions dealing with theoretical developments and empirical

application from economics, agricultural economics, management science,

operations research and related fields are welcome. Please have a look at

the Call for Papers


EPA2_.pdf) for more details. A website will be available soon.


The end of May is the perfect time of year to be in Halle and to combine

the scientific activities with a nice local environment. Those who would

like to spend some more time in Halle are recommended to enjoy first class

entertainment at the Handel Festival which will take place shortly after

the workshop (June 5-15, 2008,


Source: Heinrich Hockmann, Peter Haug



Koordinator/in für Erneuerbare Energie & Energiemanagement Start: 25. März 2008 Sehr

geehrte Damen und Herren, die Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Entwicklung mbH

(gemeinnützig) bietet in Zusammenarbeit mit derUniversität Kassel ein

Fortbildungsprogramm über 6 Monate (incl. Praktika) zu folgendem Themenbereichund

Ausbildungsziel an: - Koordinator/in für Erneuerbare Energie & Energiemanagement -

Zeitraum: 25. März 2008 bis 24. September 2008 Informationsveranstaltung zum

Programm:Freitag, 7. März 2008 um 12:00 Uhr Ort: Witzenhausen, Steinstraße 19

(Universität, "Alte Molkerei) Für den Bereich Erneuerbare Energie (Solar, Biomasse) werden

jetzt, aber auch verstärkt in der Zukunft, kompetente Fachkräfte benötigt. Die Teilnehmer

des Programms werden für den Einsatz in der Industrie, Handwerk, Planungsbüros, Handel

und Betreiber Institutionen vorbereitet. Im Sinne dieser Zielsetzung und des daran

interessierten Personenkreises, bitten wir Sie unserFortbildungsprogramm Ihren Lesern

vorzustellen. Für Fragen und zusätzliche Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur

Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Witzenhausen Werner Gebing-Geschäftsführer-

Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Entwicklung mbH -GNE-Steinstraße 19 -Standort Universität-

37213 WitzenhausenFon: +49 (0) 5542 - 502 917 1Fax: +49 (0) 5542 - 502 917 5E-Mail:

gebing@gne-witzenhausen.deweb: www.gne-witzenhausen.deAmtsgericht Eschwege

HRB 2319





25. März 2008 bis 24. September 2008 (6 Monate

EU Marie Curie Project:

Modern Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe (MACE)


First Announcement



The Summer School `Agricultural Policy Analysis´ aims to provide young researchers with an

introduction to the impact analysis of the adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy on

agricultural sectors, rural areas, and the national economies in the new CEE member states.

The participants will learn to apply a variety of practical instruments of macro- and micro-level

policy analysis to agricultural policy analysis.

The Summer School programme consists of lectures by experienced researchers, guest

lectures, and presentations of the participants. Extensive time will be provided for

discussions among participants.

The Summer School will combine two thematic modules:


1) Modelling policy impacts on structural change using agent-based modelling

The learning objectives address conceptual and methodological issues of agent-based

modelling in the field of agricultural and resource economics. Theoretical and methodological

sessions will be followed by examples of practical and theoretically oriented applications as

well as with practical exercises. Policy impacts on structural change will be addressed using

agent-based modelling approaches.


2) Market and policy analysis: theory, modelling and computer-based analysis

The objective is to deliver knowledge and modelling skills on relevant issues of market and

policy analysis. Theoretical concepts will create a basis for model formulation and practical

computer-based implementation. The module addresses issues on market, price and trade

policy, as well as budgeting and priority setting.




The seminar will be jointly organised by the Chair for Agricultural Policy at the Humboldt

University of Berlin, Germany, the Department of Structural Development of Farms and Rural

Areas at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe in

Halle, Germany, and the Department of Political Economy at the University of Warsaw,





-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Kirschke, Dr. Kurt Jechlitschka, Dr. Jadwiga Ziolkowska,

Chair for Agricultural Policy, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

-Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann, Dr. Kathrin Happe, Department of Structural Development

of Farms and Rural Areas, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and

Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany

-Prof. Jerzy Wilkin, Department of Political Economy, University of Warsaw, Poland

-Prof. Patrick Westhoff, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), USA

-PD Dr. Harald Grethe, Chair for International Agricultural Trade and Development,

Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Who Can Apply

Young researchers in post-graduate or post-doctoral studies under 35 years of age from EU,

associated, as well as third countries investigating the above-presented topics are invited to

apply. Young scientists from Central and Eastern European Countries are particularly

encouraged. Financial support for travel and accommodation will be provided for a limited

number of applicants.




a) Research topic must suit the summer school subject

a)b) Status of post-graduate or post-doctoral researcher under 35 years of age

a)c) Research experience at the time of the Summer School should not exceed 4 years

since gaining a university degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) that gives access to doctoral studies

a)d) Good knowledge in English (written and oral)

a)e) Obligation to participate in the Summer School for whole duration of the event


If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, we invite and encourage you to apply for the participation in

the Summer School 2008 in Warsaw.




Applicants are requested to submit the following documents:

a) Two-page abstract presenting the applicants´ theoretical as well as empirical work in

the field of agricultural policy analysis. During the Summer School participants will present

their concepts and state of research;

a)b) Curriculum vitae (1 page) including: name, date of birth, nationality, gender,

affiliation, current academic status, education, scientific engagement or professional


a)c) List of publications.


The files sent for the application should be in doc-format and entitled as follows:

Abstract: Familyname_Firstname_abstract (Example: Smith_Mike_abstract.doc)

CV: Familyname_Firstname_cv (Example: Smith_Mike_cv.doc)

Publication list: Familyname_Firstname_publ (Example: Smith_Mike_publ.doc)


All application material must be in English and must be delivered in one e-mail.


As accepted, participants will be requested to submit an extended paper on their research in

the preparation phase.



Abstract Submission

The deadline for submission is March, 30, 2008. The successful candidates will be notified by

the 14th of April 2008.

A two-page abstract, curriculum vitae and list of publications should be sent to: and a copy cc: to

Please indicate "MACE Summer School 2008 - application" as subject of your e-mail.



Further Information

For more information on this Summer School, please visit the MACE Summer School

website at: (site will be

updated successively) or contact:

Jadwiga Ziolkowska ( at the Humboldt University of

Berlin, Germany

Kathrin Happe ( at the Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in

Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Halle, Germany





Research-Training Workshop on Rural Property and Inequality

The Rural Property Network is inviting applications by PhD students to

the interdisciplinary Research-Training Workshop on Rural Property and

Inequality, to take place at the School of Development Studies of the

University of East Anglia in Norwich on 1-2 September 2008. The workshop

aims at training participants in analyzing questions of property in

relation to social inequality. It is organized by the School of

Development Studies in collaboration with the Department of

International Development Studies at Roskilde University (Denmark) and

the Rural Property Network. For further information contact Dr Thomas

Sikor ( or see

Deadline: 31 March 2008




UNI ART: Mensch und Natur


UniArt ist das Ausstellungskonzept einer Künstlerinnen- und Künstler Gruppe zum Thema

"Mensch und Natur" für die Fakultät für Forst- und Umweltwissenschaften der Albert-

Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg anlässlich der 550 Jahrfeier.

Ausstellungseröffnung: 6. Juli 2007 um 18.00 Uhr in der Fakultät für Forst- und

Umweltwissenschaften, Tennenbacherstraße 4, 79106 Freiburg. Ausstellungsdauer: April


Mehr Information bei

Quelle: Prof. Oesten, Freiburg




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Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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