2nd World Congress of Agroforestry, 2009 in Nairobi

March 27, 2008.  

Dear Colleagues,




The 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry will be held in August 2009 in Nairobi (the second announcement is attached). The conference organizers have established a long preparation phase, with proposals for symposia and sessions due just one week from today, 31st March 2008. The following information is provided by the organizing committee for potential leaders of symposia and sessions. Best regards, Brent




The overall Congress theme is “Agroforestry – The Future of Global Land Use.” Within this theme, various symposia and technical (oral and poster) sessions will be organized around specific major topics listed in the 2nd announcement. While a symposium will consist of invited oral presentations, a session will provide the forum for presenting voluntary contributions on a defined topic. The symposia and sessions will be developed by the respective organizer/s. Each symposium leader/s will identify and invite appropriate speakers, and each session leader/s will scrutinize the abstracts of voluntary contributions allocated to them and decide on the acceptability of the submission and the mode of its presentation (oral/poster) at the Congress. Each symposium and oral session will be of 90 minutes duration. The GOC recommends that the number of presentations be limited to three per symposium and four per session. We expect to have two symposia and several sessions concurrently.




Within these broad guidelines, the GOC invites you to organize symposia or sessions on topics of your choice. Please note the following deadlines:



Proposals for symposium/session: 31 March 2008


Submission of abstracts (voluntary and invited papers): 31 August 2008




Proposal for organizing a session/symposium at WCA2








A brief outline of the scope (a few key words):




Preference: Session or Symposium:




Lead organizer’s name and email contact:




Send proposals directly to Professor PK Nair at pknair@ufl.edu, copied to Michael Hailu at m.hailu@cgiar.org:



Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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