Summer School " Land Cover and Climate Change in West Africa" in Würzburg

June 02, 2008.  

Dear Colleagues,


Please note, the Summer School "Land Cover and Climate Change in West Africa" will take place in Wuerzburg in the end of July. The Summer School is part of the Graduate Program "Global Change Ecology (MSc)" within the Bavarian Elite Network (see:


The school is designed for MSc and PhD students. However, we also accept applications from advanced diploma students. Applications are still welcome. Therefore I would like to ask you to distribute the information among students particularly interested in the topics.


Thank you very much for your kind collaboration.




Best regards,

Christopher Conrad







Dr. Christopher Conrad




University of Wuerzburg

Am Hubland

97074 Wuerzburg, Germany


German Aerospace Center (DLR)

German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD)




Phone: +49-(0)931-888-4960

Fax: +49-(0)931-888-4961








Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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