"Think Tank of Think Tanks" puts ZEF among Top 10 of international Science and Technology Think Tanks

February 04, 2010.  

The Top "To Go To Think Tanks" ranking is a yearly published list of Think Tanks from all over the world covering different areas of expertise such as Health, Environment, Security and International Affairs.


In the 2009 "To Go To Think Tanks" ranking, ZEF is among the top 5% of all worldwide evaluated Think Tanks (more than 6,000 in 169 countries) and put on position 6 among the Top 10 of Science and Technology Think Tanks worldwide. On positions 1-5 are US Think Tanks such as RAND Corporation and the Brookings Institution.


The ranking is an initiative of the "Think Tank of Think Tanks", The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the International Relations Program at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. For more than four years, the Program has been collecting and selecting data and information from the more than 6,000 known Think Tanks around the world. The nomination and ranking is carried out by a number of international experts.


For more information on the Program see download below.



Alma van der Veen


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