ZEF joined "DELIGHT" launch in Beijng

May 23, 2013.  

ZEF participated in the 3-day Chinese-German kick-off meeting of the DELIGHT project held at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing in May.


DELIGHT, which stands for Delta Information Systems for Geoenvironmental and Human Habitat Transition, is an interdisciplinary Chinese-German research cooperation that aims at the creation of an information system and planning device for the dynamic ecological and socio-economic change processes in the Yellow River Delta.


In this large interdisciplinary consortium, ZEF is the only social science partner and will mainly work on the impact of water scarcity on urban livelihoods. Overall, 26 project partners from the Chinese and the German side contributed to the kick-off meeting and harmonized their activities for the upcoming year. Amongst other milestones, a larger joint field campaign was agreed to be implemented in October. The project’s inauguration meeting was followed by a field trip to the Yellow River Delta on May 11 and 12 (see picture).


For further information visit the project’s homepage (www.delight.eoc.dlr.de) or contact Gabi Waibel (gwaibel(at)uni-bonn.de) and Judith Ehlert (judith.ehlert(at)uni-bonn.de) at ZEF.



Alma van der Veen


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