"Conflict and climate change – the biggest threats to combating hunger"

June 28, 2019.  

"Presenting its Annual Report, Welthungerhilfe demanded that the international community of states at last introduce policies deserving to be called “climate justice”. Germany’s Federal Government should not forget its commitments regarding the least developed countries.

More and more people are fleeing war and armed conflict. At the same time, as a result of climate change, increasing numbers of people are being deprived of a sustainable food base and secure livelihoods. These two factors, currently the chief drivers of hunger, are also determining the activities of Welthungerhilfe. “Many people no longer have any reserves and lack resilience to cope with the ever more frequent extreme weather events. Droughts, floods and cyclones are destroying fields and livestock and exacerbating hunger,” said Welthungerhilfe President Marlehn Thieme, presenting the organisation’s Annual Report 2018 in Berlin, Germany, in late June. [...]  Observing the Human Right to Adequate Food ought to be a binding element of sustainability strategies. In this context, together with the World Wildlife Fund and the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research (ZEF), Welthungerhilfe is testing the use of a food security standard (FFS) in various pilot regions"

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