Environmental management options and delivery mechanisms to reduce malaria transmission in Uganda
- Keywords
agriculture, environment, health, Farmer Field School, Malaria, Uganda
- Countries
- Summary
The goal of this project is to expand the range of cost-effective policy tools available to both agricultural development and public health stakeholders in food-insecure and malaria-endemic circumstances. To this end, this project will evaluate the costs and benefits of environmental management options and potential communication channels for the agriculture and health sectors for a case study in Uganda. Up to now, very little research has been done on the joint assessment of agricultural and health outcomes of environmental interventions. Similarly, the potential of using extension, for example, through Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for joint agriculture and health communication, has not been exploited in Africa.
- Methodology
- The literature review of agriculture-environment-health linkages has been completed and is being published as a Discussion Paper by IFPRI. This fills a significant gap in the research literature by integrating work from the public health and agricultural development literature into a policy oriented framework. Copies can be distributed along with invitations to the outreach conference.
- A spatial-probit analysis of Uganda National Household Survey for 2006 to determine localized agriculture-environment-health linkages was completed and presented at the ESRI health-geography conference in Washington DC and shared with senior researchers at IFPRI for critique at a seminar on preliminary results. The Bayesian methodology used in this work can be developed into a publication and the lessons learned have led to an improved analysis plan using Geographically Weighted Regression analysis using the newly released GWRv4 software from the National Centre for GeoComputation at the Maynooth campus of the National University of Ireland.
- The Uganda National Panel Survey – 2009 dataset has been obtained from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. This panel data set is linked to the Uganda National Household Survey for 2006 through a common sampling frame which will allow us to look at the trend comparison and claim a causal effect rather than an associative effect of many of the factors of interest.
- Statistical analysis of longitudinal data for Uganda to establish intervention potential for extension: this work will be completed using the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Survey Data which has been explored to generate basic descriptive statistics.
- Main Cooperation Partners
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Department of Agricultural Extension/Education, Makerere University, Kampala, UgandaMain Funding Partners (list of donors): Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Main Funding Partners
Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Further information
Further team members:
Dr. Claudia Ringler, Project Leader, Research Fellow, IFPRI
Benjamin Wielgosz, Research Analyst, IFPRI
Margaret Mangheni, Department of Agricultural Extension/Education, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda - Publications
April 8th IFPRI Brown Bag Seminar: Agro-Ecology of Malaria in Uganda: A Spatial-Probit Analysis to support Integrated Pest / Vector Management.
September 8th ESRI Health Conference Presentation: Agro-Ecological – Malaria Linkages in Uganda: A Spatial Probit Model
Wielgosz, Benjamin, Margaret Mangheni, Daniel Tsegai, and Claudia Ringler. 2012. Malaria and Agriculture: A Review of the Literature with a Focus on the Potential of Integrated Pest and Vector Management for Uganda. IFPRI Discussion Paper, International Food Policy Research Institute: Washington DC, 2012 (Forthcoming)
- Duration of the Project
Jan 01, 2011 – Dec 31, 2012