ZEF theme: Governance and conflict


Gallant, K. F..  2024.  Indigenous Discourse for Peaceful Coexistence: Engaging in Intercultural Polylogue for Tackling Global Challenges.  Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, 15(2)   : 1-21   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, C. Whitney, and L. Biber-Freudenberger.  2024.  Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning.  Climate Services , 33(100432)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Van Der Wiel, B.Z., L. Caspersen, C. Whitney, C. Van Middelaar, J. Weijma, and F. Wichern.  2024.  Participatory modelling of scenarios to restore nitrogen cycles in a nutrient-saturated area.  Science of The Total Environment, : 170335   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Habert, G. P., Mora-Motta, A., Stellmacher, T., F. Ther-Ríos.  2023.  Participation and forest protected areas in Chile: Insights from Mapuche and peasant communities. 30, ZEF Working Paper 226, Bonn.  Further Information
Oginni, S.O..  2023.  Return to normalcy: transition and futures in insecure spaces.  Futures , 153   : 1-17   . Further Information
Oginni, S.O..  2023.  Prisoner’s dilemma: hedging loyalties in (un)governed space of the Lake Chad Basin.  Armed Forces and Society , : 1-35   . Further Information


Avilés Irahola, D., A. Mora-Motta, A. Barbosa Pereira, L. Bharati, L. Biber-Freudenberger, C. Petersheim, M. R. Quispe-Zuniga, C. B. Schmitt, E. Youkhana.  2022.  Integrating scientific and local knowledge to address environmental conflicts: the role of academia.  Human Ecology, 2022   : 1-13   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Callo-Concha, D., E. Lagneaux, R. Zenteno, O. Frör.  2022.  Assessing householder social-ecological resilience in transboundary conditions: The case of the MAP region in southwestern Amazonia.  (Misc. 213) 37 (Open Acess) Further Information
Mora-Motta, A., T. Stellmacher, M. del Valle Barrera.  2022.  Fundamental Human Needs and socio-ecological transformation: A reflection on participatory action research in a context of tree plantations in Chile.  Special Issue of the International Journal of Sustainable Development (IJSD), No. 1-2, Inderscience Enterprises, Geneva, 25, 1-2   : 53-77   . Further Information
Ndunda, E. and K. Mkutu.  2022.  Exploring Local Peacebuilding Potentials in Northwestern Kenya: The Case of West Pokot.  In: Ohta, I., F. B. Nyamnjoh and M. Matsuda (eds.): African Potentials: Bricolage, Incompleteness and Lifeness . Kyoto University.   119-137. 
Tabuti, John R. S., Whitney Cory W., David Mfitumukiza, Anke Barahukwa, Derik Kisegu, and Fatuma Mutesi.  2022.  Charcoal and wood extraction are threats to Luwero Uganda's agroforestry systems.  Tabuti, John R. S., Whitney Cory W., David Mfitumukiza, Anke Barahukwa, Derik Kisegu, and Fatuma Mutesi. “Charcoal and Wood Extraction Are Threats to Luwero Uganda’s Agroforestry Systems.” Quebec, Canada, 2022. (Open Acess) Further Information


Adong, A., L. Kornher, O.K. Kirui and J von Braun.  2021.  Conflict exposure and food consumption pathways during and after conflict: Evidence from Northern Uganda.  World Development, 147 (2)   : 105636   .
Brackhane S, Reif A, Zin E & Schmitt CB.  2021.  Are natural disturbances represented in strictly protected areas in Germany?.  Global Ecology and Conservation, e01436   : 21   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Cermeño, H.  2021.  Living and Planning on the Edge: Unravelling Conflict and Claim-Making in Peri-Urban Lahore, Pakistan.  Urban Planning, 6 (2)   : 189-201   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mielke, K. and Cermeño, H.  2021.  Mitigating Pro-poor Housing Failures: Access Theory and the Politics of Urban Governance.  Politics and Governance, 9 (2)   : 439–450   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Oginni, O.S., M.P. Opoku, W. Nketsia.  2021.  Crisis at the intersection of four countries: Healthcare access for displaced persons in the Lake Chad Basin.  Ethnicity and Health , 35(5)   : 1-17   . Further Information
Oginni, S.O..  2021.  Arrival or return? Temporality and materiality of transit sites in overlapping displacement context in border cities of the Lake Chad Basin region.  Urban Forum , 33(1)   : 1-22   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sulaiman, N., A. Pieroni, R. Sõukand, C. Whitney, and Z. Polesny.  2021.  Socio–Cultural Significance of Yerba Maté among Syrian Residents and Diaspora.  Economic Botany, 75 (2)   : 97–111   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sulaiman, N., Z. Polesny, and C. Whitney.  2021.  Ethnobotany of Wartime: Wild Plants for Human Nutrition During the Conflict in Syria.  Tropentag “Towards Shifting Paradigms in Agriculture for a Healthy and Sustainable Future,” 1. Prague, Czech Republic, 2021. (Open Acess) Further Information
Youkhana, E., R. Rojas-Robles, D. Avilés-Irahola, A. Mora-Motta, & J. Santander-Durán.  2021.  Pensamiento Ambiental, Críticas al Desarrollo y Propuestas en Construcción para la Cooperación Sur-Sur-Norte.  Gestión y Ambiente, 24(supl1)   : 11-38   . (Open Access)   Further Information


2020.  Uwe Holtz: Why countries are rich or poor and belonging to different income groups? Discussion Paper.  Further Information
Al Munajed, D. and E. Ekren.  2020.  Exploring the Impact of Multidimensional Refugee Vulnerability on Distancing as a Protective Measure Against COVID-19: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Turkey.  Journal of Migration and Health, 1-2   : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmh.2020.100023   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Betancur B., J. C. Loaiza-Usuga, M. Denich and C. Borgemeister.  2020.  Changes of Technosol properties and vegetation structure along a chronosequence of dredged sediment deposition in areas with alluvial gold mining in Colombia.  Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI: 10.1007/s11368-019-02551-9   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Biber-Freudenberger, L., C. Ergeneman, J.J. Förster, T. Dietz and J. Börner.  2020.  Bioeconomy futures: Expectation patterns of scientists and practitioners on the sustainability of bio‐based transformation.  Sustainable Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2072   : 1-16   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Bukari K.N., S. Bukari, P. Sow and J. Scheffran.  2020.  Diversity and Multiple Drivers of Pastoral Fulani Migration to Ghana.  Nomadic Peoples, 24 (1)   : 4-31   . Further Information
Eguavoen, I. and E. Tambo.  2020.  Transformative learning for global change? Reflections on the WASCAL master programme in Climate Change and Education in the Gambia.  In: Haltermann, I. und J. Tischler (eds.): Environmental change and African societies. Climate and Culture Series. Brill. Leiden.   199-224.  Further Information
Förster J.J., L. Downsborough, L. Biber- Freudenberger, G.K. Mensuro and J. Börner.  2020.  Exploring criteria for transformative policy capacity in the context of South Africa’s biodiversity economy.  Policy Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s11077-020-09385-0   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Matias, D.M., L. Drees, U. Kasymov, D. Nandintsetseg, B. Batbuyan, T. Dashpurev, U. Dorj, G. Gonchigsumlaa, T. Müller, I. Ring and M. Mehring.  2020.  Mobility at risk: Sustaining the Mongolian steppe ecosystem – developing a vision. Stakeholder involvement and identification of drivers and pathways towards sustainable development.  ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie, Nr. 62 Further Information
McGonigle DF, Rota Nodari G, Phillips RL, Aynekulu E, Estrada-Carmona N, Jones SK, Koziell I, Luedeling E, Remans R, Shepherd K, Wiberg D, Whitney C, Zhang W.  2020.  A Knowledge Brokering Framework for Integrated Landscape Management.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4(13)   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Mora-Motta, A. & Stellmacher, T..  2020.  Tree plantations at the last resource frontiers: extractivism and territorialisation in southern Chile.  In: Laube, W. & Pereira, A. R. B. (eds.): 'Civilizing' resource investments and extractivism: Societal negotiations and the rule of law. ZEF Development Studies, Vol. 31, Lit Verlag.   115-155. 
Mora-Motta, Alejandro; Stellmacher, Till; Pacheco-Habert, Guillermo; Henríquez-Zúñiga, Christian.  2020.  Between extractivism and conservation: Tree plantations, forest reserves, and peasant territorialities in Los Ríos, Chile.  In: Felix Fuders & Pablo J. Donoso (eds.): Ecological economic and socio ecological strategies for forest conservation: A transdisciplinary approach focused on Chile and Brazil. Springer.   99-125.  Further Information
MP, Opoku; W, Nketsia; OS, Oginni; SN, Benard, SN; B Alupo,.  2020.  Societal perceptions of counterterrorism in Cameroon: The voices of those far from the battlefield.  Journal of Human Rights, 19(2)   . Further Information
Munajed, D. A..  2020.  An Intersectional Analysis of Syrian Women’s Participation in Civil Society in the Post-2011 Context.  Middle East - Topics & Arguments, 14   : 103-16   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nascimento, N., West, T.A.P., Biber-Freudenberger, L., de Sousa-Neto, E.R., Ometto, J., Börner, J..  2020.  A Bayesian network approach to modelling land-use decisions under environmental policy incentives in the Brazilian Amazon.  Journal of Land Use Science, : 1-15   . Further Information
OS. Oginni, MP. Opoku & B.A. Alupo.  2020.  Terrorism in the Lake Chad Region: Integration of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.  Journal of Borderlands Studies, 35(5)   : 1-17   . Further Information
Rosa Da Conceição H. and Börner J.  2020.  Understanding Adoption and Design of Incentive-Based Forest Conservation Policies: A Case Study of the SISA Program in Acre, Brazil.  In: Fuders F., Donoso P. (eds.): Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation. Springer, Cham.  
Teucher M, Schmitt CB, Wiese A, Apfelbeck B, Maghenda M, Pellikka P, Lens L & Habel JC.  2020.  Behind the fog: Forest degradation despite logging bans in an East African cloud forest.  Global Ecology and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01024   . (Open Access)   Further Information


A. Reichhuber, N. Gerber, A. Mirzabaev, M. Svoboda, A. López Santos, V. Graw, R. Stefanski, J. Davies, A. Vuković, M.A. Fernández García, C. Fiati and X. Jia.  2019.  The Land-Drought Nexus: Enhancing the Role of Land-Based Interventions in Drought Mitigation and Risk Management. A Report of the Science-Policy Interface.  United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Bonn, Germany.
Brackhane S, Schoof N, Reif A & Schmitt CB.  2019.  A new wilderness for Central Europe? — The potential for large strictly protected forest reserves in Germany.  Biological Conservation, 237   : 373-382   . Further Information
Bustillos Ardaya, A., Evers, M., and Ribbe, L..  2019.  Participatory approaches for disaster risk governance? Exploring participatory mechanisms and mapping to close the communication gap between population living in flood risk areas and authorities in Nova Friburgo Municipality, RJ, Brazil.  Land Use Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104103   : 88   . (Open Access)   Further Information

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