ZEF theme: Governance and conflict


Chaudhry, R.  2019.  "An island of excellence"? How the Pakistan military reflects on its presence in the development sector.  (ZEF Working Paper 185) Download [PDF | 1.74MB]
Cisneros, E., J. Börner, S. Pagiola and S. Wunder.  2019.  Impacts of conservation incentives in protected areas: The case of Bolsa Floresta, Brazi.  PES Learning Paper 2019-1. Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy, World Bank. Washington DC, USA. Further Information
Delgado-Aguilar MJ, Hinojosa L & Schmitt CB.  2019.  Combining remote sensing techniques and participatory mapping to understand the relations between forest degradation and ecosystems services in a tropical rainforest.  Applied Geography, 104   : 65-74   . Further Information
Giudice R., J. Börner, S. Wunder and E. Cisneros.  2019.  Selection biases and spillovers from collective conservation incentives in the Peruvian Amazon.  Environ. Res. Lett., DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aafc83   . Further Information
Kelboro, G. and Stellmacher, T.  2019.  Global changes in local governance of the commons: the case of the African Parks Foundation engagement in Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia.  In: Haller, T., Breu, T., De Moor, T., Rohr, C. and Znoj, H (eds.): The commons in a glocal world: global connections and local responses. Routledge.   376-391.  Further Information
Miranda Arana; A.J., J. Boerner, M. Kalkuhl and B. Soares-Filho.  2019.  Land speculation and conservation policy leakage in Brazil.  Environmental Research Letters, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nascimento, N., T.A.P. West, L. Biber-Freudenberger, E.R. de Sousa-Neto, J. Ometo and J. Börner.  2019.  A Bayesian network approach to modelling land-use decisions under environmental policy incentives in the Brazilian Amazon.  Journal of Land Use Science, DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2019.1709223   .
PARI.  2019.  Improving protein nutrition of dairy cattle in the tropics.  (PARI Policy Brief 17) Download (english) [PDF | 642.54KB]
PARI.  2019.  Improving energy access in rural areas.  (PARI Policy Brief 16) Download (english) [PDF | 940.02KB]
PARI.  2019.  Seed System Development: Fertile Grounds In Sub-Saharan Africa.  (PARI Policy Brief 15) Download (english) [PDF | 512.63KB]
PARI.  2019.  Foreign direct investments in Africa's food and agriculture sector.  (PARI Policy Brief 14) Download (english) [PDF | 775.80KB]
Download (german) [PDF | 433.01KB]
PARI.  2019.  How to Keep Tractors Running in Africa?.  (PARI Policy Brief 13) Download (english) [PDF | 223.32KB]
Download (german) [PDF | 513.45KB]
PARI.  2019.  Small-Scale Irrigation Potential In Sub-Saharan Africa.  (PARI Policy Brief 12) Download (english) [PDF | 918.48KB]
Download (german) [PDF | 1.27MB]
Schmitt C.B. and J. Mukungu.  2019.  How to achieve effective participation of communities in the monitoring of REDD+ projects: A case study in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  Forests, 10   : 794   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Schmitt CB, Frank A & Zander K.  2019.  Workshop report - Strategies for ecosystem and species conservation: Exploring lessons learnt from Australia and Africa.  Download [PDF]
Further Information
Schrader F., A. Kamolidinov, M. Bekchanov, M. Laldjebaev, S. Tsani.  2019.  Chapter 5: Hydropower.  In: Xenarios S., D. Schmidt-Vogt, M. Qadir, B. Janusz-Pawletta, I. Abdullaev (eds.): The Aral Sea Basin: Water for Sustainable Development in Central Asia. Routledge.   52-66.  Further Information


BA Alupo, OS Oginni, MP Opoku, EL Torgbenu.  2018.  Psychological experiences of refugees and the response of the community in the Lake Chad region.  Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 3(11)   : 215-231   . Further Information
Bilgen, A.  2018.  A project of destruction, peace, or techno-science? Untangling the relationship between the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) and the Kurdish question in Turkey.  Middle Eastern Studies, 54(1)   : 94–113   . Further Information
Bukari, K. N., P. Sow and J. Scheffran.  2018.  Cooperation and Co-Existence Between Farmers and Herders in the Midst of Violent Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Ghana.  African Studies Review, https://doi.org/10.1017/asr.2017.124   . Further Information
Cantoni R., A. Lis, and A. Stasik.  2018.  Creating and debating energy citizenship: the case of Poland’s shale gas.  In: Anna Szolucha (eds.): Energy, Resource Extraction and Society. Impacts and Contested Futures. Routledge.   53-69. 
Cantoni R., M.L. Klaes, S. Lackerbauer, C. Foltyn and R. Keller.  2018.  Shale tales: a comparative study of the shale gas promise in France and Poland.  The Extractive Industries and Society, 5 (4)   : TBD   . Further Information
Cantoni, R.  2018.  Second Galicia? Poland’s shale gas affair through historical lenses.  The Geological Society of London, Special Publication, "History of the European Oil and Gas Industry", 465   : 201-217   .
Cantoni, R., and M. Musso (eds.).  2018.  L’énergie en Afrique : les faits et les chiffres.  Afrique contemporaine, 261-262   : 9-23   . Further Information
Dietz, T., J. Börner, J.J. Förster, J. von Braun.  2018.  Governance of the Bioeconomy: A Global Comparative Study of National Bioeconomy Strategies.  Sustainability, 10(9)   : 3190   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Evia, P.  2018.  Addressing horizontal inequality in Bolivia: what is the role of the fiscal policy?.  In: Damonte, G., Schorr, B., and Velásquez-Castellanos, I (eds.): Growth, Inequality and the Challenges for Sustainability In a Post-boom Scenario in the Andean Region. Plural Editors, La Paz - Bolivia.   Further Information
Loew F, Prishchepov A., Waldner F, Dubovyk O, Akramkhanov A, Biradar C, Lamers JPA.  2018.  Mapping Cropland Abandonment in the Aral Sea Basin with MODIS Time Series.  Remote Sensing of Environment, 10, 159   : 1-25   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Melissa R. Quispe-Zuniga, Carlos M. Ortiz-Quispe, Rommel Plasencia.  2018.  Minería y factores socio-ambientales que debilitan a las comunidades campesinas en los Andes centrales del Perú.  Gestión y Ambiente, 2357-5905   : 47-61   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Njiraini, G., Ngigi, M. and E. Baraké.  2018.  Women in African Agriculture: Integrating Women into Value Chains to Build a Stronger Sector.  (ZEF Working Paper 175) Download [PDF | 2.09MB]
PARI.  2018.  Realizing the Potential of Digital Technologies for Agricultural Development in Africa – (en & de).  (PARI Policy Brief 11) Download (english) [PDF | 475.02KB]
Download (german) [PDF | 455.67KB]
PARI.  2018.  Innovations to overcome the increasingly complex problems of hunger. Alternative pathways towards food security..  (PARI Policy Brief 10) Download (english) [PDF | 479.55KB]
Download (french) [PDF | 465.48KB]
Quispe-Zuniga, M.R..  2018.  Mining and campesino community: Land-use conflict in central Peruvian Andes.  In: Nguyen Thi Hoai Nga (eds.): International conference economic management in mineral activities—EMMA 4. Hanoi University of Mining and Geology.   38-55. 
Rosa da Conceição, H., Börner, J., Wunder, S..  2018.  REDD+ as a Public Policy Dilemma: Understanding Conflict and Cooperation in the Design of Conservation Incentives.  Forests, 9(11)   : 725   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Bilgen, A.  2017.  Güvenliksiz kalkınma, kalkınmasız güvenlik mümkün mü?: Güvenlik-kalkınma ilişkisinin dönüşüm süreci ve farklı yaklaşımlarla kavramsallaştırılması.  Uluslararası İlişkiler, 14(55)   : 19–40   . Further Information
Eguavoen, I and M. Hossain.  2017.  Contribution to COP 23: Different stakes in environmental activism against coal. Perspectives from Germany and Bangladesh (ZEF blog post).  Further Information
Georgina W. Njiraini , Djiby Racine Thiam, Anthea Coggan.  2017.  The analysis of Transaction costs in water policy implementation in South Africa: Trends, determinants and economic implications..  Water Economics and Policy, 01(03)   .
Kaiser, M., Beimenbetov, S., Abdiraiymova, G., Burkhanova, D., Serikzhanova, S., Sharipova, D., Kassymova, D. and Y. Shapoval.  2017.  Zusammenleben ethnischer Gruppen in Kasachstan.  Almaty. Further Information
Kyere, V.N., K. Greve, S.M. Atiemo and J. Ephraim.  2017.  Spatial assessment of potential ecological risk of heavy metals in soils from informal e-waste recycling in Ghana.  Environ Health Toxicol, doi.org/10.5620/eht.e2017018   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nero B., Callo-Concha D., Anning A.K. and M. Denich.  2017.  Urban Green Spaces Enhance Climate Change Mitigation in Cities of the Global South: The Case of Kumasi, Ghana.  Procedia Engineering, 198   : 69-83   . Further Information
Okumu, W., K.N. Bukari and P. Sow.  2017.  The role of elite rivalry and ethnic politics in livestock raids in northern Kenya.  J. of Modern African Studies, 55 (3)   : 479-509   .
PARI.  2017.  Agricultural innovations at the the technological frontier in India.  (PARI Policy Brief 4) Download (english) [PDF | 639.20KB]

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