ZEF theme: Health


Usman MA., N. Gerber & E.H. Pangaribowo.  2018.  Drivers of microbiological quality of household drinking water –a case study in rural Ethiopia.  Journal of Water and Health, 2(16)   : 275-288   . Further Information
Usman, M. A., Gerber, N., and Pangaribowo, E. H..  2018.  Drivers of microbiological quality of household drinking water – a case study in rural Ethiopia.  Journal of Water and Health, 16(2): 275-288   .
Whitney C W, Shepherd K D, Rosenstock T S, Krawinkel M, Luedeling E..  2018.  Modelling the Impacts of Uganda’s Vision 2040 Policy on Household Nutrition.  Policy Brief (Misc. 39) 4 (Open Acess) Download [PDF]
Further Information
Whitney C W, Shepherd K D, Rosenstock T S, Luedeling E.  2018.  Decision Analysis to Support Agriculture for Nutrition.  Policy Brief (Misc. 38) 4 (Open Acess) Download [PDF]
Further Information
Whitney, C W; Shepherd K D; Krawinkel M; Luedeling E..  2018.  Integration of Fruit Trees into Agricultural Landscapes of Kenya can Help to Enhance Nutrition Security.  (Misc. no 40.) 4 (Open Acess) Further Information
Whitney, C. W.; Lanzanova, D.; Muchiri, C.; Shepherd, K.; Rosenstock, T.; Krawinkel, M.; Tabuti, J. R. S.; Luedeling, E..  2018.  Probabilistic Decision Tools for Determining Impacts of Agricultural Development Policy on Household Nutrition.  Earth’s Future, 6(3)   : 359-372   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Whitney, C., K. Shepherd and E. Luedeling, E..  2018.  Decision Analysis Methods Guide; Agricultural Policy for Nutrition.  ICRAF Working Paper series, Working Paper No. 275 World Agroforestry Centre. Nairobi, Kenya. (Open Acess) Download [PDF]
Further Information
Whitney, C.; Luedeling, E..  2018.  How governments can monitor progress towards better nutrition.  (Open Acess) Further Information
Whitney, C.W.; Omondi, R.; Nshutiyayesu, S.; Kabuye, C.S..  2018.  Species in the Spotlight.  In: Sayer, C.A., L. Máiz-Tomé, W.R.T. Darwall (eds.): Freshwater biodiversity in the Lake Victoria Basin: Guidance for species conservation, site protection, climate resilience and sustainable livelihoods. . IUCN UK, IUCN Gland, Switzerland.   150.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 131.71KB]
Further Information
Whitney, Cory W.; Bahati, J.; Gebauer, J..  2018.  Ethnobotany and agrobiodiversity; valuation of plants in the homegardens of southwestern Uganda.  Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2)   : 90-100   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Falkenberg T..  2018.  Convergence model for effectual prevention and control of zoonotic diseases: a health system study on ‘One Health’ approach in Ahmedabad, India.  Health Research Policy and Systems, 16   : 124   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 822.22KB]
Further Information


Jemal O. and D. Callo-Concha.  2017.  Potential of Agroforestry for Food and Nutrition Security of Small-scale Farming Households. ZEF working paper series 161.  Further Information
Keding G.B., K. Kehlenbeck, G. Kennedy and S. McMullin.  2017.  Fruit production and consumption: practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya.  Food Security, 9(3)   : 453-469   .
Mekonen, D., Usman, M.A., Marks, S. & Stopnitzky, Y.  2017.  Beyond the drinking glass: expanding our understanding of water-nutrition linkages.  Further Information
PARI.  2017.  Agricultural innovations at the the technological frontier in India.  (PARI Policy Brief 4) Download (english) [PDF | 639.20KB]
PARI.  2017.  Sustainable intensification strategies for the rural poor - Matching innovations with human and ecological potential within and outside the agriculture sector.  (PARI Policy Brief 3) Download (english) [PDF | 408.70KB]
Download (french) [PDF | 769.50KB]
Rwomushana I, F. Khamis, T.G. Grout, S.A. Mohamed, M. Setamou, C. Borgemeister, H.M. Heya, C. Tanga, P.W. Nderitu, Z.S. Seguni, C.L. Materu and S. Ekesi.  2017.  Detection of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in Kenya and potential implication for the spread of Huanglongbing disease in East Africa.  Biological Invasions, 10.1007/s10530-017-1502-5   .
Saini, R.K., B.O. Orindi, N. Mbahin, J.A. Andoke, P.N. Muasa, D.M. Mbuvi, C.A. Muya, J.A. Pickett and C. Borgemeiste.  2017.  Protecting cows in small holder farms in East Africa from tsetse flies by mimicking the odor profile of a non- host bovid.  PLoS NTD , 11 (10)   . Further Information


Keding GB.  2016.  Nutrition Transition in Rural Tanzania and Kenya.  In: Biesalski HK, Black RE (eds.): Hidden Hunger. Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger.   61–74. 


Whitney, Cory W.; Nyamukuru A.; Bahati, J.; Gebauer, J..  2015.  Local knowledge for food security in Uganda; Postharvest practices in homegardens of the Ugandan Southwest.  ADM Institute Download [PDF]


Cory W. Whitney; Jens Gebauer; Molly Anderson.  2014.  Wild collection and cultivation of native species in Iceland.  Thuenen Report 20 Download [PDF]
Further Information
Whitney, C; den Braber, K; Tu Tuyet, N; Thorndal Jorgensen, S.  2014.  Measurable Impacts of the “Principles of Organic Agriculture”; Survey of A Vietnamese Organic PGS.  Thuenen Report 20 Further Information

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