ZEF theme: Health


Aragaw S.H., Nohr D. and D. Callo-Concha.  2021.  Nutritional potential of underutilized edible plant species in coffee agroforestry systems of Yayu, southwestern Ethiopia.  Agroforestry Systems, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Bovill M, Moore T, Praditsorn P, Churak P, Yone MK, Thongprakaidown R, Parichatkheeree P, Phaiphupha S and Wimonpeerapattna W.  2021.  Nutrition surveillance in Thailand-Myanmar border refugee camps - trends in wasting and stunting over 8 years.  Current Developments in Nutrition, Issue Supplement 2 (5)   : 626   . Further Information
Brueckner, A., T. Falkenberg, U. Kasturirangan, T. Kistemann.  2021.  Photovoice for enhanced healthy blue space research: an example of use from urban India.  Cities & Health, . Further Information
Burbano-Figueroa, O., A. Sierra-Monroy, C. Whitney, C. Borgemeister and E. Luedeling.  2021.  Profitability of farm-scale management strategies against the boll weevil in the tropics: case study from the Colombian Caribbean.  Journal of Pest Science, . Further Information
Francesconi, N., F. Wouterse and D. Birungi Namuyiga.  2021.  Agricultural Cooperatives and COVID-19 in Southeast Africa. The Role of Managerial Capital for Rural Resilience.  Sustainability, 13, 1046   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Fu, Y., Y. Shi; A. Mya Mon; X. Yang; C. Whitney.  2021.  How people select wild edible plants – Case study with Tibetan and Naxi people in Northwest Yunnan, China.  SHE XXIV International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology
Hildebrandt J, Metzendorf MI, Jakob T.  2021.  Evaluating the potential of the German database Current Contents Medizin (CC MED) as a source for the Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register.  GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. , 17(3)   : Doc12   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kusia, E.S.; Borgemeister, C.; Khamis, F.M.; Copeland, R.S.; Tanga, C.M.; Ombura, F.L.;Subramanian, S..  2021.  Diversity, Host Plants and Potential Distribution of Edible Saturniid Caterpillars in Kenya.  Insects, 12   : 600   . Further Information
Leal Filho, W., A.M. Azul, T. Wall, C.R.P. Vasconcelos, A. Lange Salvia, A. do Paço, K. Shulla, V. Levesque, F. Doni, L. Alvarez-Castañón, C. Mac-lean, L. Veiga Avila, L.I. Damke, P. Castro, U. M. Azeiteiro, B. Fritzen, P. Ferreira and F. Frankenberger.  2021.  COVID-19: the impact of a global crisis on sustainable development research.  Sustainability Science , 16   : 85-99   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Metchanun, N, C. Borgemeister, C. Bever and D. Galick.  2021.  Modeling COVID-19 epidemic trends and health system needs leading to projections for developing countries: a case study of Thailand.  medRxiv reprint (This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.), doi: 10.1101/2021.11.05.21265992   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Meysing, A., S. Forneck, A. Razafindrakotomamonjy and J. Dürr.  2021.  Why socio-economic and attitudinal factors cannot predict entomophagy in rural areas of Madagascar.  Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, DOI: 10.3920/JIFF2021.0086   . Further Information
Okyere, C.Y. and Usman, M.A..  2021.  The impact of irrigated agriculture on child nutrition outcomes in southern Ghana.  Water Resources and Economics, 33C (2021) 100174   . Further Information
Perez Arredondo, A.M., S. Yasobant, W. Bruchhausen, K. Bender, T. Falkenberg.  2021.  Intersectoral collaboration shaping One Health in the policy agenda: A comparative analysis of Ghana and India.  One Health, 13   . Further Information
Sangalang S.O., et al.  2021.  Protocol for a Trial Assessing the Impacts of School-Based WaSH Interventions on Children’s Health Literacy, Handwashing, and Nutrition Status in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (1)   : 226   . Further Information
Savi, M.K., D. Callo-Concha, H.E.Z. Tonnang, C. Borgemeister.  2021.  Emerging properties of malaria transmission and persistence in urban Accra, Ghana: evidence from a participatory system approach.  Malaria Journal, 20   : 321   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Schmiege, D., N. Zacharias, E. Sib, S. Moebus, M. Evers and T. Kistemann, T.  2021.  Prevalence of multidrug-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in urban community wastewater.  Science of The Total Environment, . Further Information
Tambo, J.A. and O.K. Kirui.  2021.  Yield effects of conservation farming practices under fall armyworm stress: The case of Zambia.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 321   : 107618   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Usman, M.A., L. Kornher, T.G. Sakketa.  2021.  Do Non-maternal Adult Female Household Members Influence Child Nutrition? Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia.  Maternal & Child Nutrition, 17(S1), e13122   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Voss, J., E. Seloilwe, S. Yasobant, D. Hausner, A. Akridge, Y. Mashalla and E. Rarimo.  2021.  Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities for Global Health Leadership Training.  Annals of Global Health, 87 (1)   : 1-14   . Further Information
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Falkenberg T..  2021.  Systemic factors for enhancing intersectoral collaboration for the operationalization of One Health: a case study in India.  Health Research Policy and Systems, 19 (75)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Yasobant, S., P. Bhavsar, P. Kalpan, F.Z. Memon, O. Trivedi and D. Saxena.  2021.  Contributing Factors in the Tuberculosis Care Cascade in India: A Systematic Literature Review.  Healthcare Policy , 14   : 3275-3286   . Further Information


Abdusalam, A., Y. Zhang, M. Abudoushalamu, P. Maitusun, C. W.Whitney, X. Yang, Y. Fu.  2020.  Documenting the heritage along the Silk Road: An ethnobotanical study of medicinal teas used in Southern Xinjiang, China.  Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 260   : 113012   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.45MB]
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Al Munajed, D. and E. Ekren.  2020.  Exploring the Impact of Multidimensional Refugee Vulnerability on Distancing as a Protective Measure Against COVID-19: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Turkey.  Journal of Migration and Health, 1-2   : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmh.2020.100023   . (Open Access)   Further Information
del Barrio, R., E. Fernandez, A. S. Brendel, C. Whitney, J. A. Campoy, and E. Luedeling.  2020.  Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture’s Southern Frontier – Perspectives for Farming in North Patagonia.  International Journal of Climatology, 41   : 726–742   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Gatzweiler F., B. Fu, C. Rozenblat, H.-J. J. Su, I. Luginaah, J. Corburn, J.I. Boufford, J. Vela Valdes, B. Nguendo-Yongsi, P. Howden-Chapman, R.B. Singh, R. Cooper, T. Oni and Y.-G. Zhu.  2020.  COVID-19 reveals the systemic nature of urban health globally.  Cities & Health, DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2020.1763761   .
Guimapi, R.A., S.A. Mohamed, S. Ekesi, L. Biber-Freudenberger, C. Borgemeister, H. Tonnang.  2020.  Optimizing spatial positioning of traps in the context of integrated pest management.  Ecological Complexity, 41   .
Gupta D.D., A. Patel, D. Saxena, N. Koizumi, P. Trivedi, K. Patel, D. Raval, A. King and K. Chandler.  2020.  Choice‐Based Reminder Cues: Findings From an mHealth Study to Improve Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment Adherence Among the Urban Poor in India.  World Medical and Health Policy, 2 (12)   . Review
Hasan M.M., J. Uddin, M.H. Pulok, N. Zaman and M. Hajizadeh.  2020.  Socioeconomic Inequalities in Child Malnutrition in Bangladesh: Do They Differ by Region?.  Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(3)   : 1079   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Jéssica Francine Felappi, Jan Henning Sommer, Timo Falkenberg, Wiltrud Terlau, Theo Kötter.  2020.  Green infrastructure through the lens of “One Health”: A systematic review and integrative framework uncovering synergies and trade-offs between mental health and wildlife support in cities.  Science of The Total Environment, 748   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ntajal, J., M. Evers, T. Kistemann, T. Falkenberg.  2020.  Influence of human–surface water interactions on the transmission of urinary schistosomiasis in the Lower Densu River basin, Ghana.  Social Science & Medicine, Nov. 2020 (113546)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ntajal, J., T. Falkenberg, T. Kistemann and M. Evers.  2020.  Influences of Land-Use Dynamics and Surface Water Systems Interactions on Water-Related Infectious Diseases—A Systematic Review.  Water, 12 (3),   : 631, DOI: 10.3390/w12030631   . Further Information
Okyere, C. Y..  2020.  Environmental quality, gender and health outcomes in Southern Ghana.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Pachillu Kalpana, Poonam Trivedi, Krupali Patel, Sandul Yasobant, Deepak Saxena.  2020.  Impending scope of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in the post COVID19 pandemic era: An opportunity call.  Indian Journal of Community Health, 32 (2)   : 244-247   . (Open Access)   Review
Pariyar, S., S. Dadshani, C.B. Oyiga, J. Leon, A.A. Dababat and F.M.W. Grundler.  2020.  Dissecting the genetic complexity of fusarium crown rot resistance in wheat.  Nature Research Scientific Reports 10, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60190-4   .
Poonam Trivedi, Krupali Patel, Sandul Yasobant, Pachillu Kalpana, Priya Bhavsar, Devang Raval, and Deepak Saxena.  2020.  Visually clean is not necessarily microbiologically safe: Learnings from WASH assessment of maternity units of Gujarat, India.  Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care , 9 (2)   : 788-792   . (Open Access)   Review
Schmiege, D., Evers, M., Kistemann, T., Falkenberg, T..  2020.  What drives antibiotic use in the community? A systematic review of determinants in the human outpatient sector.  International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 226   : 113497   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Schmiege, D., Evers, M., Kistemann, T., Falkenberg, T..  2020.  What drives antibiotic use in the community? A systematic review of determinants in the human outpatient sector.  International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 226   : 11   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sellare, J., E.-M. Meemken, & Qaim, M.  2020.  Fairtrade, Agrochemical Input Use, and Effects on Human Health and the Environment.  Ecological Economics, 176   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Tekalign Gutu Sakketa.  2020.  Africa’s social capital – strong enough for coping with COVID-19?.  International Journal of Rural Development, 54   : 3   . Further Information
Usman, M. A., and N. Gerber.  2020.  Irrigation, Drinking Water Quality, and Child Nutritional Status in Northern Ethiopia.  Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development, 10(3)   : 425-434   . Further Information

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