ZEF theme: Agriculture, land use, climate change


Cory Whitney.  2024.  Quick Scoping Review: Holistic model building - supporting decisions for risks in agroforestry investment (SpringerLink).  Further Information
Cory Whitney.  2024.  CWWhitney/Agroforestry-Insurance: Early version (v0.01). Zenodo..  Further Information
Dwivedi, C.S., Dishant, Parida, B.R., Pandey, A.C., Kumar, R., Kumar, N..  2024.  Geoinformatics-Based Mapping of Environmental Sensitive Areas for Desertification over Satara and Sangli Districts of Maharashtra, India..  GeoHazards, , 5(2)   : 415-440   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Hoa Do; Whitney, C. ; Nguyen La; Storm, H. ; Luedeling, E..  2024.  Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems: narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development , 17 (44)   : S. 44   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 2.48MB]
Further Information
Lucas, Hoffmann, Kasargodu Anebagilu Prajna, Luedeling Eike, and Cory Whitney..  2024.  Decision Analysis and Impact Pathway for Agroforestry Integration on Dairy Farms in the Eifel Region, Germany.  Lucas, Hoffmann, Kasargodu Anebagilu Prajna, Luedeling Eike, and Cory Whitney. “Decision Analysis and Impact Pathway for Agroforestry Integration on Dairy Farms in the Eifel Region, Germany.” Brno, CZ, 2024. (Open Acess) Download [PDF | 4.81MB]
Lucas, Hoffmann, Kasargodu Anebagilu Prajna, Luedeling Eike, and Cory Whitney..  2024.  Decision Analysis and Impact Pathway for Agroforestry Integration on Dairy Farms in the Eifel Region, Germany.  Lucas, Hoffmann, Kasargodu Anebagilu Prajna, Luedeling Eike, and Cory Whitney. “Decision Analysis and Impact Pathway for Agroforestry Integration on Dairy Farms in the Eifel Region, Germany.” Brno, CZ, 2024. (Open Acess)
Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, C. Whitney, and L. Biber-Freudenberger.  2024.  Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning.  Climate Services , 33(100432)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, L. Biber-Freudenberger, and C. Whitney.  2024.  How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ma, W. Zhou, X., Boansi, D., Horlu, G.S.A., Owusu, V..  2024.  Adoption and intensity of agricultural mechanization and their impacts on non-farm employment of rural women.  World Development, 173   : 106434   . Further Information
Mehmood, K., Tischbein, B., Mahmood, R., Borgemeister, C., Flörke, M. & A. Fazlullah.  2024.  Analysing and evaluating environmental flows through hydrological methods in the regulated Indus River Basin.  Ecohydrology, e2624,2024   . Further Information
Minetto Gellert Paris, J., N. Escobar, T. Falkenberg, S. Gupta, C. Heinzel, E. Verly Junior, O. Jolliet, C. Borgemeister, U.Nöthlings.  2024.  Optimised diets for achieving One Health: A pilot study in the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolis in Germany.  Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 106   : 107529   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 2.20MB]
Further Information
Nyangau, P., Abro, Z., Ecuru, J., Kassie, M., Mukiibi, S., Baumüller, H. and von Braun J.  2024.  Strengthening Start-Up Ecosystems for Bio-Based Innovations in the Food Sector: Lessons from East Africa.  Further Information
Nyanghura, Q. ; L. Biber-Freudenberger, J. Börner.  2024.  Incentives for biodiversity conservation under asymmetric land ownership.  Ecological Economics, 219   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Oluoch, W.A., C. Borgemeister, J. De Deus Vidal Junior, T. Fremout, H. Gaisberger, C.Whitney, and C.B. Schmitt.  2024.  Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya.  Regional Environmental Change, 24(11)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Prajna, Kasargodu Anebagilu, Cory Whitney, Marcos, and Luedeling Eike.  2024.  Use of Decision Analysis to Promote Agroforestry Adoption - Hof Lebensberg, the German Living Lab within the ReForest Project.  7th European Agroforestry Conference 27 – 31 MAY 2024 (Open Acess)
Prajna, Kasargodu Anebagilu, Cory Whitney, Marcos, and Luedeling Eike.  2024.  Use of Decision Analysis to Promote Agroforestry Adoption - Hof Lebensberg, the German Living Lab within the ReForest Project.  7th European Agroforestry Conference 27 – 31 MAY 2024 (Open Acess)
Rajkhowa, P., H. Baumüller.  2024.  Assessing the potential of ICT to increase land and labour productivity in agriculture: Global and regional perspectives.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rana, M.S., M. Qaim.  2024.  Patterns of Temporary Rural Migration: A Study in Northern Bangladesh.  World Development, 182   : 106718   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ricome, A., A. Faye, C. S. Fall, S. Gomez-y-Paloma.  2024.  The impact of access to agricultural advisory services on input use and farm performance: Evidence from Senegal.  Agribusiness, : 1-19   . Further Information
Sadame, M.K., Bouanani, A., Kumar, N., Tischbein, B., Borgemeister, C..  2024.  Comparison of Different Machine-Learning Algorithms for Land Use Land Cover Mapping in a Heterogenous Landscape Over the Eastern Nile River Basin, Ethiopia..  Advances in Space Research, 5 (74)   : 2180-2199   . Further Information
San, S.M., Kumar, N., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Schmitt, C.B..  2024.  Policy Evaluation and Monitoring of Agricultural Expansion in Forests in Myanmar: An Integrated Approach of Remote Sensing Techniques and Social Surveys.  Land, 13(2), 150   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sangber-Dery,G.-M., Tham-Agyekum, E.K., Ankuyi, F., Bakang,J.-E. A., Lartey, N.N.L., Okorley, E.L., Jones, E.O., Boansi, D..  2024.  Farm operation injuries among cocoa famers in Ghana: Investigating the causes, choice of treatment and compliance to safety standards.  African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development , . (Open Access)   Further Information
Van Der Wiel, B.Z., L. Caspersen, C. Whitney, C. Van Middelaar, J. Weijma, and F. Wichern.  2024.  Participatory modelling of scenarios to restore nitrogen cycles in a nutrient-saturated area.  Science of The Total Environment, : 170335   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Velander S. and de Dòna M..  2024.  Leveraging windows of opportunity for expertise to matter in global environmental governance: Insights from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.  Frontiers in Climate, 5   . (Open Access)   Further Information
von Groß, V., K.T. Sibhatu, A, Knohl, M. Qaim, E. Veldkamp, D. Hölscher, D.C. Zemp, M.D. Corre, I. Grass, S. Fiedler, C. Stiegler, B. Irawan, L. Sundawati, K. Husmann, C. Paul.  2024.  Transformation Scenarios Towards Multifunctional Landscapes: A Multi-Criteria Land-Use Allocation Model Applied to Jambi Province, Indonesia.  Journal of Environmental Management, 356   : 120710   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Zeddies, H.H., G. Busch & M. Qaim.  2024.  Positive public attitudes towards agricultural robots.  Scientific Reports, 14   : 15607   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Abdalla, A., M. Becker, T. Stellmacher.  2023.  The Contribution of Agronomic Management to Sustainably Intensify Egypt’s Wheat Production.  Agriculture, 13(5), 978; MDPI, Basel   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Abdalla, A., T. Stellmacher, M. Becker.  2023.  Trends and Prospects of Change in Wheat Self-Sufficiency in Egypt.  Agriculture, 13(1): 7; MDPI, Basel   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Abdalla,A., T. Stellmacher, M. Becker.  2023.  Wheat farmers’ perception of constraints and their adaptive capacity to changing demands in Egypt.  Sustainability, 13(8), 1554; MDPI, Basel   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Aidoo, O.F., Souza, P.G.C., Silva, R.S., Júnior, P.A.S., Picanço, M.C., Heve, .W.K., Duker, R.Q., Ablormeti, R.K, Sétamou, M. & C. Borgemeister.  2023.  Modeling climate change impacts on potential global distribution of Tamarixia radiata Waterston (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).  Science of The Total Environment, 864   : 160962   . Further Information
Aidoo, R., E. M. Kwofie, K. Glatzel, J.Ecuru.  2023.  Bioeconomy: A Path to African Food Systems Transformation.  In: Ulimwengu, J. M., Kwofie, E.M., and Collins, J. (Eds.) (eds.): African Food Systems Transformation and the Post-Malabo Agenda. ReSAKSS 2023 Annual Trends and Outlook Report. AKADEMIYA2063 and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).   (Open Acess)  Further Information
Amani K, Coulibaly RLK, Tondoh JE, Ouattara ZA, Sor S, Minhibo YM, Kouakou CK , Aynekulu E, Kouamé C..  2023.  Weather-informed recommendations for pests and diseases management in the cashew production zone of Côte d'Ivoire.  Sustainability, 2023, 15(15)   : 11877   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Amondo, E.I., Nshakira‑Rukundo, E and Mirzabaev, A.  2023.  The effect of extreme weather events on child nutrition and health.  Food security, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Aung, M. T. T., Dürr, C. Borgemeister, J. Börner.  2023.  Factors affecting consumption of edible insects as food: entomophagy in Myanmar.  Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, online   : 1-20   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Baumüller, H.  2023.  Digital services in the food and agriculture sectors of developing countries.  In: F. Gallouj, C. Gallouj, M.-C. Monnoyer and L. Rubalcaba (eds.): Elgar Encyclopedia of Services. Edward Elgar Publishing.   468-470.  Further Information
Baumüller, H., Ikpi, U., Jumpah, E.T., Kamau, G.M., Kergna, A.O., Mose, L., Nientao, A., Omari, R., Phillip, D. and Salasya, B.D.  2023.  Building digital bridges in African value chains: Exploring linkages between ICT use and social capital in agricultural marketing.  Journal of Rural Studies, 100   : 103002   . Further Information
Becker, M., Clavero, R., Maung, Z.N., Khin, O.M., Kong, S., Men, P., Regalado, M.J.C., Ro, S., Win, K.K., Pariyar, S..  2023.  Pathways and determinants of changing nutrient management in lowland rice-based systems of Southeast Asia.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Benzenine, F., Allal, M.A., Abdelbaki, C., Kumar, N., Goosen, M., Gathenya, J.M..  2023.  Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study from Bensekrane in Algeria.  Sustainability, 15(3)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Chichaibelu, B.B., Baumüller, H. and Matschuck M.A.  2023.  Protecting the Data of African Agricultural Producers: A Review of National Laws, Compliance and Perceptions.  Law, Innovation and Technology, 15(2)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Chineme, A., Shumo, M., Assefa, G., Herremans, I., & Wylant, B..  2023.  Simple is Better When Appropriate: An Innovative Accessible Approach to Biowaste Treatment Using Wild Black Soldier Fly..  Solid Waste Management - Recent Advances, New Trends and Applications [Working Title].   (Open Acess)  Further Information

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