ZEF theme: Agriculture, land use, climate change


Dang, Kien, Thi Thu Giang Luu, Simone Kathrin Kriesemer, Hung Pham-Van, Hoa Bui Thi Khanh, Dung Pham-Van, Eike Luedeling, and Cory Whitney.  2023.  Preserving food environments and livelihoods: Transitions and challenges for the Ca Dong people in Vietnam.  In Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Berlin, Germany: Cuvillier. (Open Acess)
Daum, T., F. Baudron, R. Birner, M. Qaim, I. Grass.  2023.  Addressing Agricultural Labour Issues is Key to Biodiversity-Smart Farming.  Biological Conservation, 284   : 110165   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Do, Hoa, Cory Whitney, Nguyen La, and Eike Luedeling.  2023.  Development of agroforestry in upland northern Vietnam: A farmers’ perspective.  In Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Berlin, Germany: Cuvillier. (Open Acess)
Getaneh Z A, Demissew S, Woldu Z, Aynekulu E..  2023.  Carbon stocks of Geramo forest, the western escarpment of the rift valley of Ethiopia.  South African Journal of Botany, 163   : 609–619   . Further Information
Getaneh Z A, Demissew S, Woldu Z, Aynekulu E..  2023.  Predicting the potential geographical distribution of Osyris quadripartita Decn. (Santalaceae) in Ethiopia under climate change scenarios.  Braz. J. Bot, 46   : 1129–1140   . Further Information
Habert, G. P., Mora-Motta, A., Stellmacher, T., F. Ther-Ríos.  2023.  Participation and forest protected areas in Chile: Insights from Mapuche and peasant communities. 30, ZEF Working Paper 226, Bonn.  Further Information
Heuschkel, Z., C.W. Whitney, E. Luedeling.  2023.  Shades of sustainability – is there room for a new sustainability label in fruit production?.  ISHS Acta Horticulturae, XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector   : 1380   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Issahaku, G., L. Kornher, A.H.M. Saiful Islam, A. Abdul-Rahaman.  2023.  Heterogeneous impacts of home-gardening on household food and nutrition security in Rwanda.  Food Security, : 1-20   . Further Information
Kamau, H., S. Roman, L. Biber-Freudenberger.  2023.  Nearly half of the world is suitable for diversified farming systems for sustainable intensification.  Communications Earth & Environment, 1(4)   : 446   . (Open Access)   Further Information
König, S., Weller, U., Betancur‐Corredor, B., Lang, B., Reitz, T., Wiesmeier, M., Wollschläger, U & Vogel, H. J..  2023.  BODIUM - a systemic approach to model the dynamics of soil functions.  European Journal of Soil Science, : doi: 10.1111/ejss.13411   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kubitza, C., V.V. Krishna, S. Klasen, T. Kopp, N. Nuryartono, M. Qaim.  2023.  Labor displacement in agriculture: evidence from oil palm expansion in Indonesia.  Land Economics, in press   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Lara-Rodriguez, N. E.  2023.  Deforestación y desigualdad de la tierra: un análisis econométrico en el posconflicto colombiano (2015-2019).  Cuadernos de Economía, 42 (89)   : 203-232   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Miranda, B. V., Oliveira, G. M..  2023.  Assessing the performance of voluntary environmental agreements under high monitoring costs: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon.  Ecological Economics, 214   : 107982   . Further Information
Mora-Motta, A., T. Stellmacher, G.P. Habert, and C.H. Zúñiga.  2023.  Zwischen Extraktivismus und Naturschutz: Baumplantagen, Waldreservate und kleinbäuerliche Territorialität in Los Ríos, Chile.  In: Fuders, F., Donoso, P.J. (eds.): Ökologisch-ökonomische und sozio-ökologische Strategien zur Erhaltung der Wälder. Springer, Cham.  
Ndip, F. E. ; E.L. Molua ; M-E. S. Mvodo ; R. Nkendah ; R. F. D. Choumbou ; R. Tabetando ; N. F. Akem.  2023.  Farmland Fragmentation, crop diversification and incomes in Cameroon, a Congo Basin country.  Land use policy, 130   : 1-14   . Further Information
Nuthalapati, C.S., D. Zilberman, M. Qaim, P. Pingali.  2023.  Hybrid Mustard and Biotechnology: Pathways for Doubling Farmers’ Incomes and Nutritional Security.  Economic and Political Weekly, 58(43)   : 47-54   . Further Information
Nyamukuru , A., C. Whitney , J. R.S. Tabuti , J.Esaete , M. Low.  2023.  Allometric models for aboveground biomass estimation of small trees and shrubs in African savanna ecosystems.  Trees, Forests and People, ISSN: 2666-7193   : 100377   . Further Information
Oliveira, G. M., Miranda, B. V., Saes, M. S. M., & Martino, G.  2023.  Opening the “black box” of food safety policy implementation: The efficiency-enhancing role of a private meso-institution.  Food Policy, 121   : 102528   . Further Information
Rubio-Jovel, K., Sellare, J., Damm, Y. & Dietz, T..  2023.  SDGs trade-offs associated with voluntary sustainability standards: A case study from the coffee sector in Costa Rica.  Sustainable Development, . (Open Access)   Further Information
San, S.M., Kumar, N., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Schmitt, C.B..  2023.  Agroforestry-based community forestry as a large-scale strategy to reforest agricultural encroachment areas in Myanmar: ambition vs. local reality..  Annals of Forest Science, 80 (27)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sarkar, A. Bandyopadhyay, N..  2023.  Climate Risk Management with Indigenous Perception and Knowledge - Evidence from drought prone regions of India.  In: Panda, G. K. Chatterjee, U. & Panda, S. (eds.): Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction- Insight Towards Perception, Response, Adaptation and Sustainability. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.   301 - 320.  Review
Schilling, F., Baumüller, H., Ecuru, J. and von Braun, J.  2023.  Carbon farming in Africa: Opportunities and challenges for engaging smallholder farmers.  Further Information
Surendran Padmaja, S., Korekallu Srinivasa, A., Trivedi, P., & Srinivas, K..  2023.  Women Self-Help Groups and intra-household Decision-making in Agriculture.  Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, : 1-20   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Tafesse A, Gechere, G, Asale A, Belay A, Recha JW, Aynekulu E, Berhane Z, Osano PM, Demissie TD, Solomon S..  2023.  Determinants of maize farmers market participation in Southern Ethiopia: Emphasis on demographic, socioeconomic and institutional factors.  Cogent Food & Agriculture, 9(1)   : 2191850   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Tham-Agyekum, E.K., Boansi, D., Wongnaa, C.A., Ankuyi, F., Awunyo-Vitor, D., Bakang, J-E.A., Acheampong, A.O..  2023.  A gender differential analysis of determinants of pesticide application in cocoa system farming of Ghana.  Cogent Social Sciences, 9   : 2256512   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Uch, C.; Roeurn, S.; Ro, S.; Kano-Nakata, M.; Yamauchi, A.; Ehara, H..  2023.  Growth Performance of Photoperiod-Sensitive Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties in Different Soil Types under Rainfed Condition in Cambodia.  Agriculture , 8   . (Open Access)   Further Information
van Noordwijk M, Aynekulu E, Hijbeek R, Milne E, Minasny B, Saputra DD.  2023.  Soils as carbon stores and sinks: expectations, patterns, processes, prospects of transitions.  Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 48   : 177-205   . Further Information
Whitney, Cory.  2023.  Preserving food environments and livelihoods: Transitions and challenges for the Ca Dong people in Vietnam.  searchRxiv Further Information
Whitney, Cory.  2023.  Review of methods for supporting decisions under uncertainty..  searchRxiv Further Information
Zheng, H., Ma, W., Boansi, D., Owusu, V..  2023.  Farmers’ perceptions, adoption and impacts of integrated water management technology under changing climate.  International Journal of Water Resources Development, https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2023.2196351   . Further Information


Abdalla, A., T. Stellmacher, M- Becker.  2022.  Trends and Prospects of Change in Wheat Self-Sufficiency in Egypt.  Agriculture , 13(1)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Akhtar, F., Borgemeister, C., Tischbein, B., Awan, U.K..  2022.  Metrics Assessment and Streamflow Modeling under Changing Climate in a Data-Scarce Heterogeneous Region: A Case Study of the Kabul River Basin.  Water, 14(11)   : 1697   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Andreotti, F., D. Bazile, C. Biaggi, D. Callo-Concha, J. Jacquet, O.M. Jemal, O. King, C. Mbosso, S. Padulosi, E. Speelman and M. van Noordwijk.  2022.  When neglected species gain global interest: Lessons learned from quinoa's boom and bust for teff and minor millet.  Global Food Security, 32   : 100613   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Aura, C. M., A. Roegner, H. Owiti, D. Birungi, K.J. Fiorella, J. Corman, R. Kayanda, P. Mbullo, C.S. Nyamweya, G., Mchau, M. Daniels, M., & R.O. Abila.  2022.  Mind the gaps for the best practices: Enhancing the management of Lake Victoria fisheries resources.  Lakes and Reservoirs, 27   : 10   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Azzam, A., Zhang, W., Akhtar, F., Shaheen, Z., Elbeltagi, A..  2022.  Estimation of green and blue water evapotranspiration using machine learning algorithms with limited meteorological data: A case study in Amu Darya River Basin, Central Asia.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 107403(202)   : 1-14   . Further Information
Baumüller, H., Ikpi, U., Jumpah, E.T., Kamau, G.M., Kergna, A.O., Mose, L., Nientao, A., Omari, R., Phillip, D. and Salasya, B.D.  2022.  Documenting the digital transformation of African agriculture: Use and impact of digital technologies among agricultural intermediaries.  Further Information
Belay Mekonnen, A., C. Oludhe, A. Mirzabaev, J.W. Recha, Z. Berhane, P.M. Osano, Teferi Demissie, L.A. Olaka, D. Solomon.  2022.  Knowledge of climate change and adaptation by smallholder farmers: evidence from southern Ethiopia.  Heliyon, 8   : 16   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Berhanu, Y., Dalle, D., Sintayehu, D.W., Kelboro, G., Nigussie, A.  2022.  Woody species dynamics in Sheka Forest Biosphere Reserve, Southwest Ethiopia.  Forest Ecology and Management, 519   : 120313   . Further Information
Bonuedi, I., N. Gerber, L. Kornher.  2022.  Intervening in Cash Crop Value Chains for Improved Nutrition: Evidence from Rural Sierra Leone.  The Journal of Development Studies, 58   : 38-54   . Further Information
Burbano-Figueroa, O., A. Sierra-Monroy, A. David-Hinestroza, C. Whitney, C. Borgemeister, and E. Luedeling.  2022.  Farm-Planning under Risk: An Application of Decision Analysis and Portfolio Theory for the Assessment of Crop Diversification Strategies in Horticultural Systems.  Agricultural Systems, 199   : 103409   . (Open Access)   Further Information

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