ZEF theme: Migration, mobility and urbanization


Rana, M.S., M. Qaim.  2024.  Patterns of Temporary Rural Migration: A Study in Northern Bangladesh.  World Development, 182   : 106718   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Atis Ortega, K. L., & Lara-Rodríguez, N. E..  2023.  Percepciones de identificación cultural y discriminación en población migrante: Caso: venezolanos en Colombia.  Revista Controversia, 220   : 211-248   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Cheema, A. R. ; N.Rafique and F. Abbas.  2023.  Migration Governance in Pakistan: Institutional Challenges and Data Gaps.  International Migration Review , : 1-13   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rana, S. and M. Qaim.  2023.  Why do rural people temporarily migrate to other rural areas? Insights from northern Bangladesh.  (ZEF Discussion Paper 330) Download [PDF | 913.04KB]
Şat S, Aydınkoç-Tuzcu K, Berger F, Barakat A, Danquah I, Schindler K, Fasching P.  2023.  Diabetes and Migration.  Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 131(6)   : 319-337   . Further Information
Stark, O. and G. Kosiorowski.  2023.  A Pure Theory of Population Distribution When Preferences Are Ordinal.  Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 71   : 317-342   .
Stark, O. and W. Budzinski.  2023.  An Integrated Theory of Relative Deprivation and Risk-Laden Migration.  In: Robert M. Sauer (eds.): World Scientific Handbook of Global Migration Vol. 2. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, in press.  
Stark, O., Pang, Y. and S. Fan.  2023.  Agglomeration, Pollution, and Migration: A substantial Link, and Policy Design.  In: Robert M. Sauer (eds.): World Scientific Handbook of Global Migration Vol. 3. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, in press.  


Gallant, K. F..  2022.  The “good” refugee is welcome: On the role of racism, sexism, and victimhood when fleeing from war.  DiscourseNet Collaborative Working Paper Series, 8/3   : 8   . Further Information
Rezende de Castro, A., A. D. Ortega Sandoval, G. Odamtten.  2022.  Up around the bend? How transport poverty can lead to social exclusion in a low-income community in Lagos, Nigeria.  Journal of Transport Geography, 102   : 103388   . Further Information
Stark, O. and M. Jakubek.  2022.  Can the Evolution of Joint Savings Agreements Counter the Effect of Higher Costs of Migration on its intensity?.  Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 32   : 757-796   .
Tarne, A., B. Batjav, D.M. Matias, and M. Mehring.  2022.  Rural to urban migration in Mongolia: Social-ecological conditions for a stepwise process.  ISOE-Diskussionspapiere 47. (Open Acess) Further Information
Waheed, A., A. Qadar, Y. Mehmood.  2022.  Utopia of social distancing and dystopia of living in slums: urban poor’s perspectives from the global south and the theory of planned behaviour.  Local Environment, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2022.2103653   . Further Information


Benti S., Terefe H. and D. Callo-Concha.  2021.  Challenges and prospects to sustain natural and working landscapes in the urban areas in Ethiopia.  Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3   : 100071   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Stark, O. and M. Jakubek.  2021.  Employer Sanctions: A Policy with a Pitfall?.  In: Robert M. Sauer (eds.): World Scientific Handbook of Global Migration Vol. 1. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, in press.  
Waheed, A..  2021.  “I Will Obey Whatever Orders Will Be Given to Me …”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of an Affidavit from a Slum Upgradation and Rehabilitation Project in Islamabad, Pakistan.  Social Sciences, 10(6)   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Abebaw, D., Admassie, A., Kassa, H. and Padoch, C..  2020.  Can Rural Outmigration Improve Household Food Security? Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia.  World Development, 129   : 1-11   .
Al Munajed, D. and E. Ekren.  2020.  Exploring the Impact of Multidimensional Refugee Vulnerability on Distancing as a Protective Measure Against COVID-19: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and Turkey.  Journal of Migration and Health, 1-2   : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmh.2020.100023   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Bernhardt F.; Cermeño, H., Keller C., and Koch F.  2020.  Stadtmachen durch StadtTeilen: Typen und Logiken des Teilens in innerstädtischen Nachbarschaften. In Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung (Zeitschrift des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.), 2020 : 123-127.  Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung (Zeitschrift des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.), 2020 Download [PDF]
Eguavoen, I., P- Attemene, F. Kouame, E.G. Konan, C.A. Madhy, and K. Gleisberg-Gerber.  2020.  Dernier refuge ou presqu'île d'opportunités? Démographie et conditions de vie à Adjahui-Coubé, un habitat spontané à Abidjan.  ZEF Working Paper, 187   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Pratama, A.B and S.A. Imawan.  2020.  Bureaucratic readiness for smart city initiatives: a mini study in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia.  In: Joo, Yu-Min and Tan, Teck-Boon (eds.): Smart Cities in Asia Governing Development in the Era of Hyper-Connectivity. Edward Elgar Publishing.   148–161.  Further Information
Stark, O. and L. Byra.  2020.  Can a Deportation Policy Backfire?.  Public Choice, 183   : 29-41   .
Stark, O., Byra, L. and G. Kosiorowski.  2020.  On the Precarious Link between the Gini Coefficient and the Incentive to Migrate.  Economics Letters, Vol. 187   : 108880   .


Bustillos Ardaya, A., Evers, M., and Ribbe, L..  2019.  Participatory approaches for disaster risk governance? Exploring participatory mechanisms and mapping to close the communication gap between population living in flood risk areas and authorities in Nova Friburgo Municipality, RJ, Brazil.  Land Use Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104103   : 88   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Eguavoen, I.  2019.  Twelve months – twelve books: My 2019 reading list on cities (ZEF blog post).  Further Information
Eguavoen, I., S. Forneck, A. Kumar, S. Sharma.  2019.  Postcard from India: visiting RC21 conference and exploring low-income residential areas in Delhi and Mumbai (ZEF blog post).  Further Information
Stark, O. and W. Budzinski.  2019.  Repercussions of Negatively Selective Migration for the Behavior of Non-migrants When Preferences Are Social.  Journal of Demographic Economics, Vol. 85   : 165-179   .


Bech Hansen, C. and M. Kaiser.  2018.  Transnational practices and Post-Soviet collective identity.  In: G. Schlee, A. Horstmann (eds.): Difference and Sameness as Modes of Integration. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books.   p. 126-144.  Download [GIF | 15.18KB]
Further Information
Eguavoen, I.  2018.  Twelve months – twelve books: My 2018 reading list on cities (ZEF blog post).  Further Information
O. S. Badmos, A. Rienow, D. Callo-Concha, K. Greve and C. Jürgens.  2018.  Urban Development in West Africa - Monitoring and Intensity Analysis of Slum Growth in Lagos: Linking Pattern and Process.  Remote Sens., 10   : 1044; http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs10071044   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Stark, O.  2018.  Behavior in Reverse: Reasons for Return Migration.  Behavioural Public Policy, Vol. 3   : 104-126   .
Stark, O. and E. Cukrowska-Torzewska.  2018.  Gender Differentiation in Intergenerational Care-Giving and Migration Choices.  Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 12   : 118-134   .
Stark, O. and L. Byra.  2018.  How Admitting Migrants with Any Skills Can Help Overcome a Shortage of Workers with Particular Skills.  International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 57   : 144-150   .
Stark, O. and W. Budzinski.  2018.  On the Taxing of Migrants’ Earnings while Retaining a Migrant Workforce.  International Review of Economics and Finance, (in press)   .
Stark, O., Jakubek, M. and K. Szczygielski.  2018.  Community Cohesion and Assimilation Equilibria.  Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 107   : 79-88   .
Youkhana, Eva.  2018.  Los espacios religiosos de los migrantes latinoamericanos y el poder político de los santos: la Virgen del Cisne en Madrid.  In: Romizi, Francesco (eds.): Migrantes peregrinos. Trayectorias identitarias de la diáspora ecuatoriana en el espacio católico transnacional. Quito: Editorial Abya Yala.  


Eguavoen, I.  2017.  Waterfronts and green spaces in central Cairo. What´s the way forward? (ZEF blog post).  Further Information
Eguavoen, I.  2017.  Postcard from Paris/ Rive Gauche: Urban renewal and controversies about the Right to the City in the South (ZEF blog post).  Further Information
Fielmua, N., D. Gordon and D.T. Mwingyine.  2017.  Migration as an adaptation strategy to climate change: Influencing factors in North-western Ghana.  Journal of Sustainable Development, 10 (6)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kaiser, M., Beimenbetov, S., Abdiraiymova, G., Burkhanova, D., Serikzhanova, S., Sharipova, D., Kassymova, D. and Y. Shapoval.  2017.  Zusammenleben ethnischer Gruppen in Kasachstan.  Almaty. Further Information

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