ZEF theme: Migration, mobility and urbanization


Stark, O.  2017.  Migration when Social Preferences are Ordinal: Steady State Population Distribution, and Social Welfare.  Economica, 84   : 647-666   .
Stark, O.  2017.  Global Integration and World Migration.  World Economics, 17   : 49-65   .
Stark, O., Byra, L., Casarico, A. and S. Uebelmesser.  2017.  A critical comparison of migration policies: Entry fee versus quota.  Regional Science and Urban Economics, 66   : 91-107   .


Papa Sow, Elina Marmer and Jürgen Scheffran.  2016.  En Route to Hell: Dreams of Adventure and Traumatic Experiences Among West African “Boat People” to Europe.  In: Lynda Mannik (eds.): Migration by Boat. Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival. Berghahn.   290 .  Download [PDF]
Further Information
Pforte, L. & Selbmann, K.  2016.  Evaluation of Ecological Criteria of Biofuel Certification in Germany.  Sustainability, 8   : Art. 936   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Mosuela, C. and D.M. Matias.  2015.  The role of a priori cross-border migration after extreme climate events: the case of the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan.  In: Hillmann, Felicitas; Pahl, Marie; Rafflenbeul, Birte and Sterly, Harald (eds.): Environmental change, adaptation and migration: bringing in the region. Palgrave Macmillan.   98-116.  Download [GIF | 15.18KB]
Further Information
Sow, Papa, Elina Marmer and Jurgen Scheffran.  2015.  Between the heat and the hardships. Climate change and mixed migration flows in Morocco.  Migration and Development, : 1-23   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Stark, O.  2015.  Comparing the global and merged with the local and separate: On a downside to the integration of regions and nations.  Journal of East Asian Economic Integration, 19   : 325-356   .
Stark, O., Bielawski, J. and M. Jakubek.  2015.  The impact of the assimilation of migrants on the well-being of native inhabitants: A theory.  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 111   : 71-78   .


Mielke, K. and A.-K. Hornidge.  2014.  Crossroads Studies: From Spatial Containers to Interactions in Differentiated Spatialities. 'Area Studies'-Discussion Paper of the Research Network Crossroads Asia.  Crossroads Asia Working Paper, 15   . Further Information


Adaawen S.A. and B. Owusu.  2013.  North-South Migration and Remittances in Ghana.  African Review of Economics and Finance, 5 (1)   : 29-45   . Further Information
Bledsoe, H. Caroline and Papa Sow.  2013.  Back to Africa: Second Chances for the Children of West African Immigrants (second version), in The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism. Global and Development Perspectives.  Edited by Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas Mateos, Universidade da Coruña, Spain. Further Information
Sorger, G., Stark, O. and Y. Wang.  2013.  Migration and Dynamics: How a Leakage of Human Capital Lubricates the Engine of Economic Growth.  International Review of Economics and Finance, 28   : 26-37   .
Stark, O.  2013.  On the Economics of Others.  Ekonomista, 5   : 709-715   .
Stark, O. and A. Dorn.  2013.  Do Family Ties with Those Left Behind Intensify or Weaken Migrants’ Assimilation.  Economics Letters, 118   : 1-5   .
Stark, O. and M. Jakubek.  2013.  Integration as a Catalyst for Assimilation.  International Review of Economics and Finance, 28   : 62-70   .
Stark, O. and M. Jakubek.  2013.  Migration Networks as a Response to Financial Constraints: Onset and Endogenous Dynamics.  Journal of Development Economics, 101   : 1-7   .


Eguavoen, I. and W. Tesfai.  2012.  Social impact and impoverishment risks in the Koga irrigation scheme, Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia.  Afrika Focus , 25(1)   : 39-60   .
Stark, O.  2012.  Integration, Social Distress, and Policy Formation.  Economics Letters, 115   : 318-321   .
Stark, O. and L. Byra.  2012.  A Back-Door Brain Drain.  Economics Letters, 116   : 273-276   .
Stark, O., Casarico, A. Devillanova, C. and S. Uebelmesser.  2012.  On the Formation of International Migration Policies When No Country Has an Exclusive Policy-Setting Say.  Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42   : 420-429   .


Stark, O. and C.S. Fan.  2011.  Migration for Degrading Work as an Escape from Humiliation.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 77   : 241-247   .
Stark, O. and C.S. Fan.  2011.  A Theory of Migration as a Response to Occupational Stigma.  Review of International Economics, 55   : 549-571   .
Stark, O. and C.S. Fan.  2011.  The Prospect of Migration, Sticky Wages, and "Educated Unemployment".  Review of International Economics, 19   : 277-287   .
Stark, O. and R. Zakharenko.  2011.  Differential Migration Prospects, Skill Formation, and Welfare.  Review of International Economics, 20   : 657-673   .
Tsegai, D. and Q.B . Le..  2011.  District-level spatial anaylsis of migration flows in Ghana: Determinants and implications for policy.  Regional Science Policy and Practice, 3 (2)   : 87-100   . Further Information


Ali, S.N..  2010.  Education as a Means of Smooth Rural-Urban Migration: Some Evidences from Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 19 (1)   : 1-27   .
Eguavoen, I.  2010.  Lawbreakers and livelihood makers. Youth-specific poverty and ambiguous livelihood strategies in Africa.  Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 5(3)   : 268-273   .
Mielke, K. und C. Schetter.  2010.  Pakistan als Drehscheibe globaler Migrationsströme.  In: B. Chiari B. and C. Schetter (eds.): Pakistan. Wegweiser zur Geschichte. Paderborn: Schöningh.   133-143.  Download [PDF]
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Stark, O.  2010.  Policy Repercussions of “The New Economics of the Brain Drain”.  Ekonomista, 6   : 831-840   .
Stark, O.  2010.  Casting the Naturalization of Asylum Seekers as an Economic Problem.  Economics Letters, 108   : 286-290   .
Sultana, Nayeem.  2010.  Re-visiting the Strength of Weak Ties: Bangladeshi Migration to Malaysia.  Journal of Diaspora Studies, 3(2)   : 115-142   .
Sultana, Nayeem.  2010.  The Solutions of the "Trans-migrants" Dilemma. The Bangladeshi Diaspora in Malaysia.  Dhaka University Journal of Development Studies, 1(1)   : 181-192   .


Adaawen, S. A.  2009.  The North-South Youth Migration and Remittances In Ghana: A Case Study of Accra and Kumasi, Ghana. 
Stark, O.  2009.  Reasons for Remitting.  World Economics, 10   : 147-158   .


Boucher, S., Stark, O. and J.E. Taylor.  2008.  A Gain with a Drain? Evidence from Rural Mexico on the New Economics of the Brain Drain.  In: János Kornai, László Mátyás, and Gérard Roland (eds.): Corruption, Development and Institutional Design. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.  
Evers, H.-D. and S. Gerke.  2008.  Studying Diasporas.  In: Sultana, N. (eds.): The Bangladeshi Diaspora in Malaysia. Organizational Structure, Survival Strategies and Networks. LIT Verlag, Münster.   10-13. 
Fan, C.S. and O. Stark.  2008.  Rural-to-Urban Migration, Human Capital, and Agglomeration.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68   : 234-247   .
Stark, O., Behrens, D.A. and Y. Wang.  2008.  On the Evolutionary Edge of Migration as an Assortative Mating Device.  Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 19   : 95-109   .


Engel, S. and A.M. Ibañez.  2007.  Displacement due to Violence in Colombia: Determinants and Effects at the Household Level.  Economic Development and Cultural Change, 55 (2)   .

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