Dr. Stephen Edem Duadze

Country of current residence


Current position


Current institute employer

Central University College


Agricultural Engineer


Land Use and Remote Sensing

Degrees / expertise

B.Sc. (Hons) Agric, 1982, Univ. Of Sc. & Tech., Kumasi, Ghana, Postgraduate Diploma (Soil Sc.), 1987, Agric. Univ. Of Norway, Aas, Norway; M.Sc. (Soil Sc.), 1991, Univ. Of Ghent, Belgium.

Professional experience

CERSGIS, Legon, Ghana: Applications Specialist/Team Leader, Land Use Programmes (1994-2000); Ministry of Agriculture: Agricultural Officer, Adaptive Agronomic Trials (1992-1994); VORADEP (World -Bank-funded project), Ho, Ghana: Assistant Land Use Planner and later Land Use Planner, Soil Survey and Fertilizer recommendation for small-scale farmers (1982-1989); Water Research Institue, CSIR, Accra: Technical Assisstant Grade I, Laboratory Analysis of Water Quality (Mar. 1977-Dec. 1978)


Duadze, S.  2004.  Land use and land cover study of the savannah ecosystem in the Upper West Region (Ghana) using remote sensing.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Math. & Nat. Science, University of Bonn.  Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
  • Ecosystem services
Research countries
  • Ghana
Professional experience
CERSGIS, Legon, Ghana: Applications Specialist/Team Leader, Land Use Programmes (1994-2000); Ministry of Agriculture: Agricultural Officer, Adaptive Agronomic Trials (1992-1994); VORADEP (World -Bank-funded project), Ho, Ghana: Assistant Land Use Planner and later Land Use Planner, Soil Survey and Fertilizer recommendation for small-scale farmers (1982-1989); Water Research Institue, CSIR, Accra: Technical Assisstant Grade I, Laboratory Analysis of Water Quality (Mar. 1977-Dec. 1978)

B.Sc. (Hons) Agric, 1982, Univ. Of Sc. & Tech., Kumasi, Ghana, Postgraduate Diploma (Soil Sc.), 1987, Agric. Univ. Of Norway, Aas, Norway; M.Sc. (Soil Sc.), 1991, Univ. Of Ghent, Belgium.

Doctoral research funded by

ZEF scholarship, research funds from BMB+F / GLOWA Projekt, GTZ

Cooperation partners

Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS), Uni. of Ghana, Accra

Stephen Edem Duadze

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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