Cultural and Political Change (CPC)


Shen, X.  2009.  Flood risk perception and communication within risk management in different cultural contexts - a comparative case study between Wuhan, China, and Cologne, Germany.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Math. & Nat. Science, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Tsuma, W.  2009.  Gold Mining in Ghana - 'Actors, Alliances and Power.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  LIT Verlag. Berlin   Download [PDF]
Further Information


Jehom, W.  2008.  Development and Displacement: Kenyah-Badeng in Bakun Resettlement, Malaysia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Sultana, N.  2008.  Bangladeshi Diaspora in Peninsular Malaysia: Organizational Structure, Survival Strategies and Networks.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  LIT Verlag, Berlin. Germany. ISBN 978-3-8258-1629-2.   Further Information
Veldwisch, G.  2008.  Cotton, Rice & Water: The Transformation of Agrarian Relations, Irrigation Technology and Water Distribution in Khorezm,.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Joras, U.  2007.  Companies in Peace Processes - A Guatemalan Case Study.  Thesis at  ZEF.  Further Information
Lemma, M.  2007.  The Agricultural Knowledge System in Tigray, Ethiopia: Recent History and Actual Effectivenee.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Hohenheim.  Further Information
Maruful Islam, K.  2007.  The Impact of Health Reform on State and Society in Bangladesh, 1995-2005.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Heidelberg.  Further Information
Phuc, T.  2007.  Property Making in the Vietnamese Uplands: Ethnography of Forest Relations in Three Dao Villages.  Thesis at  ZEF.  Further Information


Hirsch, D.  2006.  Water user associations in Uzbekistan: theory and practice.  Doctoral hesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen  
Laube, W.  2006.  Changing Natural Resource Regimes in Northern Ghana. Actors, Structures and Institutions.  Doictoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Köln.  Further Information
Naher, A.  2006.  Gender, Religion and Development in Rural Bangladesh.  Doctoral thesis at  Univ. Heidelberg, South Asia Institute.  Download [PDF | 1.87MB]
Stellmacher, T.  2006.  Governing the Ethiopian Coffee forests: a local level institutional analysis in Kaffa and Bale mountains.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn. 
Tafere Reda, K.  2006.  Indigenous Institutions of Conflict Resolution in Northern Afar, Ethiopia.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Mainz, Afrika Studies.  Further Information
Tesfaye, T.  2006.  Coffee Forest Conservation: Local-level Institutions Influencing the Conservation and Use of Coffee Forests in Southwest Ethiopia.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Hohenheim.  Further Information
Wall, C.  2006.  Knowledge Management in Rural Uzbekistan: Peasant, Project and Post-Socialist Systems of Knowledge in Khorezm.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Avilés Irahola, D.  2005.  Popular participation, decentralisation, and local power relations in Bolivia.  Thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Cuvilier Verlag, Göttingen   Download [PDF]
Chinsinga, B.  2005.  The politics of poverty reduction in the context of political and administrative reforms: The case study of decentralisation in Malawi.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Mainz.  Further Information
Paudel, H.  2005.  The Implementation of Privatization Policy in Developing Countries: Problems and Prospects. The Case of Nepal's Privatization Policy.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Rai, K.  2005.  Dam Development:The Dynamics of Social Inequality in a hydropower project in Nepal.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen,  


Ashour, S.  2004.  Ethnic Politics and Policymaking in Lebanon and Malaysia: A comparative Analysis of the Health Sector.  Thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 
Bhuiyan, S.  2004.  Unveiling the Face of Social Capital: Evidence from Community-Based Solid Waste Management Initiatives in Urban Bangladesh.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Gunawan, K.  2004.  The Politics of the Indonesian Rainforest: A Rise of Forest Conflicts in East Kalimantan during Indonesia\'s Early Stage Democratisation.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen  
Kassahun, S.  2004.  Social Capital for Synergic Partnership: Development of poor localities in urban Ethiopia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bielefeld.  Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen  
Khalafalla, K.  2004.  Political Islam in Sudan: Political Opportunities and Mobilizing Structures.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn.  Download [DOC | 20.50KB]
Krämer, M.  2004.  Ethno-nationalist Mobilization and Mediation in South Africa.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 


Schetter, C.  2001.  Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts in Afghanistan.  Doctoral hesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 


van Edig, A.  2000.  Die Nutzung internationaler Wasserressourcen: Rechtsanspruch oder Machtinstrument? Die Beispiele des Jordans und der israelisch-palästinensisch Grundwasservorkommen.  Doctoral thesis at  Humboldt Univ. Berlin.  NOMOS Verlag, Baden-Baden. ISBN-10: 3789073482  

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