Cécile Poitevin

Research themes
  • Land use and food security
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
  • Gender
  • Human Rights
  • Food and nutrition
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
Research countries
  • Ghana
Research projects

My research aims to contribute to a better understanding of gender power dynamics in smallholders' adaptation to climate change by analyzing the impact of gender-based violence on smallholders’ women and men agency and decision-making process for a more sustainable, climate-smart agricultural land management. It is part of the INTERFACES project and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

INTERFACES is an accompanying project that supports four BMBF-funded regional research and development (R&D) projects in their endeavor to drive change for sustainable land management in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the heart of INTERFACES lies the recognition that to achieve changes towards sustainable land management, a fundamental reorganization across technological, economic political, institutional and social factors is needed, which also includes questioning existing paradigms, goals and values. For changes to be sustainable, they must be gender-responsive and socially inclusive, which means that implementation pathways for sustainable land management must be based on thorough gender and power analyses and lead to outcomes that benefit both women and men of different ethnicities, ages, classes, and income levels. 

More information on the INTERFACES project is on this link: https://www.zef.de/interfaces.html

Thesis title

Gendered power dynamics, different forms of gendered violence, and pathways for sustainable agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Borgemeister

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Tina Beuchelt

There are no publications of this person.

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Cécile Poitevin

Junior Researcher

Ecology and Natural Resources Management


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