ZEF theme: Agriculture, land use, climate change


Partey, S. T., O.B. Frith, M.Y. Kwaku and A.A. Sarfo.  2017.  Comparative life cycle analysis of producing charcoal from bamboo, teak, and acacia species in Ghana.  The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,, 22 (5)   : 758-766   .
Saini, R.K., B.O. Orindi, N. Mbahin, J.A. Andoke, P.N. Muasa, D.M. Mbuvi, C.A. Muya, J.A. Pickett and C. Borgemeiste.  2017.  Protecting cows in small holder farms in East Africa from tsetse flies by mimicking the odor profile of a non- host bovid.  PLoS NTD , 11 (10)   . Further Information
Shittu, A.M., Akerele, D. and M. Haile.  2017.  Food Price Spikes and Volatility in Local Food Markets in Nigeria.  (ZEF Discussion Paper 242) Download [PDF | 1.38MB]
Tobias Wünscher / WASCAL.  2017.  Farmer Innovation Contest. Winners 2012-2015, Ghana.  Download [PDF | 2.29MB]
Vlek, P.L.G., A. Khamzina A and L. Tamene.  2017.  Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies.  CIAT Publication No. 440. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Nairobi, Kenya. Further Information
Vlek, P.L.G., Khamzina, A., H. Azadi, A. Bhaduri, K. Bharati, A. Braimoh, C. Martius, T. Sunderland and F. Taheri..  2017.  Trade-Offs in Multi-Purpose Land Use under Land Degradation.  Sustainability, 9, doi:10.3390/su9122196   . Further Information
Wossen, T., Berger, T., Haile, M. G., & Troost C.  2017.  Impacts of climate variability and food price volatility on food security of farm households in East and West Africa.  Agricultural Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2017.02.006   : 1-9   .
Yin H., Khamzina A., Pflugmacher D., Martius C.  2017.  Forest cover mapping in post-Soviet Central Asia using multi-resolution remote sensing imagery.  Scientific Reports, 7   : 1375   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Ackom, E. and D.T. Benefoh.  2016.  Energy and low carbon development efforts in Ghana: institutional arrangements, initiatives, challenges and the way forward.  AIMS Energy, 4 (3)   : 481-503   .
Keding GB.  2016.  Nutrition Transition in Rural Tanzania and Kenya.  In: Biesalski HK, Black RE (eds.): Hidden Hunger. Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger.   61–74. 
PARI.  2016.  Farmer Innovation Contests - Tapping the Innovative Potential of Smallholder Farmers.  (PARI Policy Brief 2) Download (english) [PDF | 364.43KB]
Download (french) [PDF | 406.06KB]
PARI.  2016.  Potentials of Innovation for Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Growth in sub-saharan Afric - Strategic Directions for Development Collaboration.  (PARI Policy Brief 1) Download (english) [PDF | 569.62KB]
Download (french) [PDF | 732.37KB]


Angarita, H., Wickel, A.J., Escobar, M. and Delgado, J.  2015.  Biodiversity, wetland ecosystems and flood risks: Implications of hydropower expansion on the Magdalena River.  SEI/TNC/USAID factsheet Further Information
M. Idrissou, D.F. Ngom, R. Malou, B. Vayssade and A.-L. Courbis To.  2015.  Water balance simulation for resource evaluation at the catchment scale: application to the Nema (Sudano-Sahelian zone, Senegal).  Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60 (9)   : 1620-1630   . Further Information
Whitney, Cory W.; Nyamukuru A.; Bahati, J.; Gebauer, J..  2015.  Local knowledge for food security in Uganda; Postharvest practices in homegardens of the Ugandan Southwest.  ADM Institute Download [PDF]


Cory W. Whitney; Jens Gebauer; Molly Anderson.  2014.  Wild collection and cultivation of native species in Iceland.  Thuenen Report 20 Download [PDF]
Further Information
Khan, Z.R., C.A.O. Midego, I.M. Nyang’au, A. Murage, J. Pittchar, L.O. Agutu, D.M. Amudavi and J.A. Pickett.  2014.  Farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of the stunting disease of Napier grass in Western Kenya.  Plant Pathology , 6   : 1426-1435   . Download [DOCX]


Mondal, M A H. and D. Klein.  2011.  Impacts of solar home systems on social development in rural Bangladesh: Energy for Sustainable Development 15(2011).  Energy for Sustainable Development, 15   : 17-20   .


Baumüller, H.  2010.  Building a Low Carbon Future for Vietnam: Technological and other needs for climate change mitigation and adaptation (for Chatham House).  London: Chatham House Further Information
Mondal, A H. and M. Denich.  2010.  Hybrid Systems for Decentralized Power Generation in Bangladesh, Energy for Sustainable Development, 14; 48-55.  Energy for Sustainable Development (Elsevier), 14   : 48-55   .
Mondal, M A H., M. Denich and P. L.G. Vlek.  2010.  The future choice of technologies and co-benefits of CO2 emission reduction in Bangladesh power sector, Energy; 35 (2010) 4901-4908.  Energy, . Further Information
Mondal, M A H., W. Boie and M. Denich.  2010.  Future demand scenarios of Bangladesh power sector, Energy Policy 38; 7416 - 7426.  Energy Policy , 38   : 7416-7426   .


Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2008.  Gender Audit at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture.  Report


Baumüller, H. and Bolo, M. (eds.).  2007.  Biotechnology: Eastern African Perspectives on Sustainable Development and Trade Policy.  Geneva: ICTSD Further Information
Baumüller, H., Oliva, M.J. and Mohan, S.  2007.  Biotechnology: Addressing Key Trade and Sustainability Issues.  Geneva: ICTSD Further Information


Wickel, A.J., Jackson. T.J. and Wood, E.F.  2000.  Multi-temporal monitoring of soil moisture with RADARSAT SAR during the 1997 Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22 (8)   : 1571-1583   . Further Information


Schellekens, J., Scatena, F.N., Bruijnzeel, L.A. and Wickel, A.J.  1999.  An application of the Gash and Rutter models of rainfall interception in a tropical maritime forest, eastern Puerto Rico.  Journal of Hydrology, 225 (3-4)   : 168-184   . (Open Access)   Further Information

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